

  • New Icecrown expansion concludes WoW TCG's Scourgewar arc

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    World of Warcraft TCG players, rejoice! The newest expansion set to the incredibly popular WoW trading card game, Scourgewar: Icecrown, is now available. A host of new heroes, items, characters (including Thrall, Jaina) and some special guests (the awesome airships The Skybreaker and Orgrim's Hammer) are combating The Lich King's forces. Also new to this expansion are Scourge heroes and allies -- play as and recruit Arthas' toughest warriors, including vrykul, to strengthen your deck. And who better to hunt the Lich King than the greatest hunter of all time: Hemet Nesingwary? Included in every trading card game expansion have been some rare goodies, andIcecrown is no exception. For those lucky enough (or with enough cash for scrounging on eBay), the rare mount Wooly White Rhino, the common loot paint bombs and the uncommon Ethereal Portal, which functions as a super cool-looking hearthstone, are available in this expansion.

  • TCG Loot Giveaway: Sandbox Tiger and the Flag of Ownership

    Zach Yonzon
    Zach Yonzon

    Alright, step right up, you lucky sons of motherless ogres. The powers that be over here at have decided to bequeath upon a fortunate pair of readers more World of Warcraft TCG loot codes drawn from our bottomless, magical repository of gold and epic items (actually, they were given to us by those folks from, which is kind of like the same thing). For today's swag, we're giving away one cute little Sandbox Tiger and my favorite loot item, The Flag of Ownership.Unfortunately, I can't steal the code for the Flag of Ownership for myself, which is what I would totally do if it wasn't sealed in a super-secret, rune-encrypted, glyph-reinforced, enchanted Titansteel vault guarded by Matthew Rossi's reanimated chest fuzz. Heck, it could be in a box made out of tissue paper and I still wouldn't be able to get at it. Every one of Rossi's chest hairs is as rabid as a Tarrasque hopped on Red Bull. And those are just the ones that have been shaved off! You folks, on the other hand, simply have to leave a comment below for the chance to receive the code from the comfort and relative safety of your own home. I say relative because we've been instructed to send Rossi-hair ninjas to off anybody who leaves more than one comment.Oh, and don't forget that you only have until Wednesday, 11:59pm EDT to chime in before we lock this thread and swizzle out the winner. If those loot cards don't tickle your fancy, something's wrong with you you can submit an entry for our Guild of the Month contest or vie to snag one of Creative's fancy new wireless headsets. One or the other, you choose. Because let's face it, everybody loves free stuff.

  • TCG Loot Giveaway: Papa Hummel's Pet Biscuits and Slashdance

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Since we're in the middle of a pretty lazy Sunday here at the secret world headquarters, we decided it might be cool to reach into the old prize box and pull out a few goodies for all you evening browsers of WoW news and information. In particular, we're going to be handing out a few TCG loot codes courtesy of our good friends at Upper Deck.For starters, let's throw out two codes for some Slashdance grenades, which will make everyone in the blast radius break out into dance. Pretending you are the Music Meister optional. We'll also give away an old but goodie - a code for 50 Papa Hummel's Pet Biscuits, which will make the targeted vanity pet grow. Use it on your Teldrassil Sproutling and pretend you have a pocket druid healer (actual healing ability not included).Leave a comment below before 2:00 am EDT, and we'll pick a few of you at random to get these codes. It'll give us something to do while we wait for more submissions for our October Guild of the Month contest.

  • Patch 3.2.2 PTR: Confirmed TCG loot for Scourgewar, Ghostcrawler finally gives us that pony

    Lesley Smith
    Lesley Smith

    With news of all these pets leaking out onto the interweb and the patch 3.2.2 PTR build being updated, I figured it was high time to nip to Booty Bay to visit Landro Longshot. He's usually a great source for finding out what we can expect in the Trading Card Game. Sure enough, he was updated with info on Scourgewar, which will be released on November 21st. Landro tells me that there's some great loot coming, in the form of mini mounts (the Little White Stallion and the Little Ivory Raptor), the Tuskarr Kite and the ever so adorable Spectral Tiger Cub.We're not quite sure how the mini mounts are going to work or whether they will be faction-orientated. But it's the Little White Stallion is likely to raise a smile for all of Ghostcrawler's fans. Yes, we (and by that we mean the people who get the loot cards) will finally getting that long-promised pony! The mounts are likely to cost a couple of hundred gold each and they're not yet purchasable on the PTR. The normal codes (1111, 2222 and 3333) aren't active yet but as soon as they are, we'll be sure to bring you pictures. %Gallery-71493%2n - 1 go left, 2n go right. I don't see enough DoTs! More DoTs now! Are you ready for the return of Onyxia? With the Brood Mother being revitalized as a 10 and 25 person raid, you'll need to be sure you know everything that's coming at you.'s Guide to Patch 3.2.2 will make sure your set for the next patch!

  • Video of the Blood of Gladiators TCG Loot

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Our good friend Drayner over at has gotten his hands on video of the brand new TCG items uncovered the other day for Upper Deck's upcoming Blood of Gladiators expansion. Of the three, the Foam Sword rack seems the coolest -- it looks like a pick up and go heirloom weapon that you'll be able to challenge others with. And while the Epic Purple Shirt is definitely purple (and Epic), the "Sandbox Tiger" is probably the sillest. But if you've always really wanted to ride a Spectral Tiger, there you go (and it does look like that Orc is having a lot of fun, doesn't it?).We'll be able to get our hands on some of these cards starting next month in stores. Are any of these convincing you to pick up a few card game packs, or are these not quite as exciting as the actual Spectral Tiger mount or the Ethereal Vendor?