

  • The Summoner's Guidebook: League of Legends' Season 3 imbalances -- good or bad?

    Patrick Mackey
    Patrick Mackey

    If you've played League of Legends for a while, you were probably shocked at the launch of all the new Season 3 changes. They're absolutely crazy! When I first saw them, I couldn't make heads or tails of them. What's the new best item builds? What's the best path to making them? I seriously had no idea. Things have settled down a little, but items are still a little chaotic, and MLG is already hosting Season 3 qualifiers. This can't be right! I've covered before why tossing around the metagame is bad, but hosting tournaments that will affect entry into the Season 3 Championships with the game in this state is outrageous. I'm sure LoL will recover and things will get iterated on, but what are things going to be like in the meantime?

  • The Summoner's Guidebook: League of Legends' revamped 3v3 mode

    Patrick Mackey
    Patrick Mackey

    I really liked playing on the Twisted Treeline prior to the recent revamp. It felt like Summoner's Rift lite: a way to practice the key SR skills in a gametype that didn't require quite as much map awareness. Now, League of Legends' 3v3 mode has taken on a different face, and it doesn't feel much like SR -- or any other map, for that matter. I didn't want to comment right away on the new direction for TT. The game mode is new, and the metagame is in its infant stages. People are trying new strategies and builds, and while initially strong tactics have already been discovered, there's no telling whether those tactics will last into the start of Season 3. Any competitive game has points in time when different things are overpowered, and as people discover new counters, the true metagame will start to surface. This week in the Summoner's Guidebook, we'll look at my first experiences in TT and what I think of the new mode. It's starkly different from the old version, and the strategies are not obvious. Is it as broken as the detractors say, or is the meta still coming together?

  • Buffs coming for League of Legends' Kayle, Teemo and more

    Brendan Drain
    Brendan Drain

    It's been a long time coming, but a major buff patch is about to hit League of Legends. The patch that will introduce new champion Hecarim comes with a whole host of balance changes to other champions and gameplay mechanics. Kayle's Divine Blessing is being improved to provide a much bigger heal and haste buff at the cost of more mana, making her more a effective support or carry without imbalancing lane sustainability. Teemo is getting some much-needed buffs along with a major bug fix that should increase his damage output significantly. The bug was responsible for Teemo's damage output's dropping after level 6 or so and not scaling properly with attack speed. After talking to players and running some numbers, Riot Games discovered that offensive rune pages were always inferior to just stacking magic resistance. Flat magic resistance runes are being nerfed, while flat magic penetration and ability power runes are getting buffed. The biggest change coming in the patch is a tweak to the experience given out for killing enemy champions. To prevent games from quickly snowballing out of control, Riot is increasing the experience gained by killing players who out-level you and is decreasing the reward earned by killing lowbies. This should let losing teams get back in the game if they can win several teamfights. Skip past the cut to watch the full Hecarim patch preview video!