Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


  • X360A holding TMNT Arcade contest

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    Xbox 360 Achievement's DAKing240 is holding a contest for this week's Xbox Live Arcade release, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The objective is simple, get all 12 Achievements for the game. The criteria is equally easy, first, you must be a member of their forums. Next, your gamertag should have all the Achievements, including the secret one, and then email DaKing240 [AT] x360a [DOT] org with your tag. He's only giving out the unannounced prize to first place, so get on it. Also, don't be put off by the fact that we don't know what you're getting if you win, as they have a pretty good track record of giving out cool prizes, namely retail titles.

  • TMNT Arcade achievements revealed

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    For those of you who are eagerly anticipating the release of TMNT to the XBLA tomorrow, Achieve360Points uncovered and posted the game's achievement details. After analyzing all the achievement goodness we definitely see a lack of level completion achievements, as it looks the dev team wanted to focus on harder level based tasks. So, earning every achievement will not be a walk in he sewer. We also noticed that TMNT may be special in that it is the first XBLA game to offer a secret achievement. So, kick back, take a look at all the achievements, and get ready to download the game tomorrow with a controller in one hand and a cheesy pizza slice in the other.

  • TMNT coming to Arcade early [update 1]

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    Cowabunga. This week's Xbox Live Arcade title is going to be Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, a week ahead of schedule. For the low, low price of 400 MS points you can get your old school beat 'em up fix with one of the most wanted retro titles for XBLA, complete with online co-op, leaderboards and the like. Obviously, you readers agree that this is a no-brainer purchase and we hope to play through a couple levels with you online. What do you think about getting Turtles in Time sometime in the future?[Via GameStooge]Update: James alerted us of this as well on Friday with a link to this thread.

  • Saturday PSP background explosion

    Steven Bailey
    Steven Bailey

    Every week we give you new backgrounds for your PSP. In fact, I'm sure some PSP owners change their backgrounds more than their underwear. Much like that disturbing mental image, this week we have a disturbing background, a radical one and one that is fully loaded. What am I talking about? Well you'll have to see the backgrounds for yourself! Backgrounds after the jump ...

  • Want a free copy of TMNT for the Wii?

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    So do we. However, we've gotta try our hand out and hope the lucky wheel of fate spins our way just like everyone else. We'll be entering WiiTube's TMNT contest, and you should too. Why? Because it's incredibly simple. All you have to do is head to the site, sign up (be sure to give yourself an avatar), and upload at least one video. That's it. A lucky winner will be chosen at random, hopefully by throwing a Wii-mote at a dartboard and seeing who wins. That's how we would do it, and of course we'd film it and upload that for the next contest.WiiTube has really been taking off lately. When we first blogged about it, they had around 400 members. These days they're pushing 1700. Plus we've heard that they will also be giving away an entire Wii system soon, so expect that number to go up. Get in on the ground floor while the gettin' is cheap!

  • TMNT officially coming to Arcade

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    Before, we showed you a couple rather suspect looking screenshots for an Xbox Live Arcade version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. At first, we were a little skeptical about its certitude, then a video came out and we slowly began to let our guard down. After all it would be rather depressing to cling onto a rumor you want to be true to only find it was a hoax. Well, thankfully we can finally give you the official word, straight from Ubisoft, TMNT is slated for Arcade, will cost 400 MS points, and will support 4 player co-op (both online and off) on all the original seven levels. Is this a no-brainer purchase or what?[Via GameStooge]

  • More kind words for upcoming TMNT game

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Gamepro recently got their hands on Ubisoft's upcoming TMNT game and simply put, they were impressed. Like our older brother Joystiq, Gamepro fell in love with the ability to perform team combo moves with the turtles and the uniqueness of each character. They also enjoyed Ubisoft's focus on the free roam element, opting to focus more on the character's ninja abilities rather than their brute force. Not only is the gameplay shaping up just fine, but we learn there there will be a bunch of unlockables including concept art, bloopers, movie clips, and even the notorious "big head cheat". We're not sure if old school TMNT fans will have a tough time cuddling up next to the turtle's new image, but this game has the potential to actually be (dare we say it) good.[Thanks, Jonah]

  • Joystiq plays TMNT (it's fun!)

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Joystiq got a chance to sit down and play Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for the Xbox 360. We'll have to preface this by saying that we were unimpressed by the recent trailer that was released. The Joystiq preview is proof that trailers aren't always the best indicators of fun. The above video is a developer walkthrough, and TMNT looks much more entertaining now. The animation is fluid, there are tons of enemies -- the 360 version sports more enemies than other consoles -- and the visuals are crisp, though not spectacular. Players can switch between turtles on the fly, utilizing their unique weapons and combo tactics. There are a few special maneuvers to look out for too. All in all, Joystiq came away feeling that this is the best TMNT game since the 16-bit era. Not bad. Hit the "read" link for the whole preview.See also:Rumored XBLA version of TMNT video surfaces

  • Rumored XBLA version of TMNT video surfaces

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Yesterday, we reported on a few leaked screenshots from a rumored XBLA version of TMNT. We were a bit leary of their authenticity, but today we get video proof of a XBLA version. Embedded above is over three minutes of video showcasing said arcade game and we're now becoming believers, nearly convinced that we'll be seeing some old-school TMNT gaming coming to the XBLA. Just some marketing speculation, but the release of this arcade game may coincide with the release of the TMNT movie which comes out March 23rd. Fanboys rejoice, Konami doesn't hate us as we will (possibly) be playing 1989 TMNT on our 360s![Thanks, Tony]

  • Old school TMNT coming to the XBLA?

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    The turtles rumor mill is churning full force today as 360Style.net posted a few leaked TMNT screenshots. But these screenshots are special, because 360Style.net claims that they come from an unannounced XBLA version of 1989 TMNT. Old school TMNT on the XBLA ... that's sweetness! We've examined the screens, looked them over twice, and still come away perplexed. It looks like these screenshots are trying a little too hard, including Konami and Ubisoft logos on the main screen and using a new-age turtles background for the gameplay. Though, we'd like to be proven wrong and wish our 2D side scrolling turtles adventure would show up on the arcade (instead we get 3D turtles). What do you think, photoshopped prank or turtles arcade magic?[Thanks, to everyone who sent this in]

  • Cowabunga! TMNT achievements uncovered

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Those busy bees over at Xbox 360 Achievements discovered all of the achievements for upcoming Ninja Turtles game TMNT. Getting all 1000 gamerscore points doesn't look all that hard either, because simply beating the game will get you 800 points. Also, it looks like Ubisoft decided to not make all the achievements have a nice rounded gamerscore point total, opting for annoying ambiguous numbers. And overall, these are still pretty lackluster achievements with no creative flair ... hopefully they put a little more thought into the game than they did into its achievements.[Thanks, Peter J]

  • New TMNT trailer. Demo today?

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: the whole concept is absurd. They're mutant ninja turtles for crying out loud, and yet, they've managed to carve out a niche in our social conscience. It might be this ingrained popularity that makes it so hard to make a decent game, as we hold the franchise to a certain standard. There have been some exceptions, notably the arcade game (which belongs on Xbox Live Arcade) and some of the NES iterations, but by and large, TMNT games stink. What then, are we to think of this trailer? It wasn't long ago that Ubisoft announced that the game was moving from Xbox to the Xbox 360, and it shows. Clearly, this is a port of the Xbox/PS2 version, and nothing more. This alone could be forgiven if the game didn't look so ... done before. Who knows, maybe it's fun, but it looks pretty "blah" to us.According to Evil Avatar, we may have a chance to find out just how good the game is later today, as Ubisoft may be releasing a demo. In the meantime, have a gander at the trailer and tell us what you think.

  • PSP Fanboy Theatre: Volume 3

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    PSP Fanboy offers the latest and greatest movie and game trailers, formatted for the PSP in this new weekly feature. Check it out every Saturday. PSP owners can download files wirelessly via m.pspfanboy.com.Instructions: Save all movie and thumbnail files to MP_ROOT/101ANV01/. Requires firmware 2.00 or above. Do NOT place in "VIDEO" folder. Firmware 2.80 or above do not need to download thumbnails. Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesDownload MP4 (7.86MB) | Download THM The following videos are featured after the break: Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, 300, Fred Claus, Chili Con Carnage (PSP).

  • First shots of Ninja Turtles on 360

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    TeamXbox reports that Ubisoft has switched gears on development for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, opting to bring the game to the 360 instead of the original Xbox. The game is set to ship on March 13, just days before the March 23 release of the new TMNT movie. Along with this announcement, Ubisoft has released the first Xbox 360 images of the game. Looking at the shots, we picture a cartoony version of Ninja Gaiden, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. The game promises plenty of ninja combat, acrobatics, and a "darker, more realistic Turtle experience." A realistic game about mutated, crime fighting turtles? It's about damned time. Follow the read link for one more screenshot and nutritious PR speak.Somebody finish this lyric: "Heroes in a half shell ...."

  • New XBLA franchise in the next two weeks

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    XBLArcade managed to notice a snippet from yesterday's press release that completely slipped our Sauron-like gaze. From the release:"In total, more than 100 pieces of new downloadable content will be available during the nine day period, including a never before announced major franchise on Xbox Live Arcade."Major franchise, would we? The possibilities addle our brains, but we can't help but speculate. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Mega Man? Bomberman? It could be anything, and your guess is as good as ours. We can only hope that this is a real arcade classic, or, better yet, an entirely original franchise for XBLA (something episodic perhaps?). Anyone care to make a guess? If anyone gets it right, we'll be sure to drop his/her name when the game is officially announced.

  • New Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (TMNT) movie trailer for your PSP

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    You know something special is happening when a movie trailer makes its way to Joystiq. It's true that this movie has almost nothing to do with video games, and even less to do with the PSP. But, I'm sure many of you, like myself, have fond memories of the old TMNT cartoons and movies, or are enjoying the new animated series right now. This new CG interpretation of the turtles with attitude looks pretty amazing. Check the trailer at Apple's website, or download this freshly-encoded trailer for your PSP:[Download MP4 for PSP]

  • Teenage Turtles return -- less kid show, more dark comic

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    Cowabunga! Can't get enough crazy turtle action? Want to have your own pizza time? Ubisoft announced at Comic-Con 2006 there will be a new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle game coming out to accompany the new CGI movie in the works. Don't lose hope yet! This game will be different from the other recent incarnations of the series. This game and, assumingly the movie, are based on the comic book story of TMNT, which can be silly and incredibly introspective at the same time -- a concept the old and new television shows seemed only able to grasp one end of. It's said this will be a work true to its source as well as the movie (which logically should also be true to its source). Look for it on all next-gen consoles (especially the PS3) when the movie hits theaters in March.