

  • Tenkai Knights: Brave Battle coming to 3DS from Namco Bandai

    Thomas Schulenberg
    Thomas Schulenberg

    Cartoon Network series and toy line Tenkai Knights will shapeshift this summer into Tenkai Knights: Brave Battle, a 3DS game from Namco Bandai. Nintendo Everything reports that Brave Battle will build its story and four-player versus modes from 2D, action-oriented gameplay. Players won't be stuck with static representations of a creative toy, either - robots will be customizable and capable of shapeshifting to different modes in battle. Brave Battle will follow the Tenkai Knights as they attempt to stop The Corrupted and their leader Vilius from conquering the planet Quarton, as well as Earth. Namco Bandai did not specify whether Vilius' final attack will be a single-stud brick hidden in carpet, but we feel it would be the most convincing way to establish sinister intentions. [Image: Tenkai Knights YouTube channel]