

  • Mists of Pandaria Beta: The best quest ever

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Any beta is full of things that aren't going to be implemented on live, and it's all there to discover if you simply take the time to explore. Possibly the craziest thing I've ever seen is the quest above, simply titled Criteria Effects Test Quest. Located on a remote island off the coast of the Krasarang Wilds, this quest asks players to click and interact with a variety of objects. The quest rewards are low level, and there is no gold involved. The point? Well, there isn't one, really -- it's simply there to test the new interactive icons and make sure that players will be able to interact with everything. This isn't part of the storyline of Pandaria or anything like that. It's not an official quest that will be included in the final release. It's just a testing area. However, it's one of those insanely weird, fun, unpredictable moments that you find when you simply roam around on the beta. If you're on the beta servers and you've finished everything there is to do, take some time to explore and see the sights. You never know -- you could find a hidden gem that won't be seen after the beta's over. Oh, and in case you were wondering ...