

  • The Daily Quest: Dungeon Finder fun

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    Here at we're on a Daily Quest (which we try to do every day, honest) to bring you interesting, informative and entertaining WoW-related links from around the blogosphere. Is there a story out there we ought to link or a blog we should be following? Just leave us a comment and you may see it here tomorrow! Take a look at the links below, and be sure to check out our WoW Resources Guide for more WoW related sites. Last night, the Choose My Adventure gang ventured into their first random dungeon groups. Our experience was mixed bag, with really great tanks and healers. There was also a greedy, fear-using, DPS priest guy who ended the night by telling us he loved us, but not in that way. This is why today's TDQ is all about the Dungeon Finder. The Mana Obscura talks about Escaping the Vortex of Suck. Forever a Noob chronicles Using the LFD to level. Troll Racials are Overpowered is sick of people whining about bad PUGs. The Hunter's Mark complains about How LFD Killed Navigational Awareness and includes a comprehensive, map-filled guide for getting to instances.

  • The Daily Quest: Paladins paladins paladins

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    We here at are on a Daily Quest to bring you interesting, informative and entertaining WoW-related links from around the blogosphere. I Am a Paladin offers tips and tricks for healing 5-mans as a holy paladin. The Hunter's Mark offers a refresher on gemming your hunter. World of Matticus discusses the Flash of Light spec for holy paladins. Listen to this week's edition of the Twisted Nether Blogcast. This week's special guest is Tristan from The Elitists. This isn't particularly WoW-centric, but happy anniversary, Anna. Click here to submit a link to TDQ

  • WoW Moviewatch: Leeroy 7 - The Hunter's Mark

    Michael Gray
    Michael Gray

    Warning: There are spoilers for the movie in this review.It's only a few short days until BlizzCon, and I can't think of a better way to celebrate than a new release from Herculean Productions. Those fun loving folks have released Episode 7 of The Chronicles of Leeroy. This episode is specifically titled The Hunter's Mark.Our noble Horde adventurers continue to get farmed by the evil Alliance rogue from last episode. Just when we think Leeroy and company will never reclaim their bodies, a heroic hunter arrives to save the day. The real punchline for that moment is, of course, the soundtrack. And I assure you -- I've not laughed so hard for some time. (Maybe it's the old fogey in me.) The new mage also makes an appearance, which gets me curious about where her subplot is going to go. I continue to really love the Leeroy series. I can't express how much I love being reminded of the fun and community we should all share, and Herculean Productions does an outstanding job of doing just that.Click here to check it out yourself. Interested in the wide world of machinima? We have new movies every weekday here on WoW Moviewatch! Have suggestions for machinima we ought to feature? Toss us an e-mail at machinima AT wow DOT com.

  • Making that transition from casual to hardcore guild

    Jon Shute
    Jon Shute

    The Hunter's Mark has an interesting post regarding making the transition from casual to hardcode raiding for if you decide that you have enough of PuGs or your casual guild and want something a bit more hardcore. Although aimed at WoW the ideas and concepts are true for all the other games that also have a similar raiding system.The guide starts off with the important point of checking that your current guild doesn't already have plans for that already, not burning your bridges with your current guild leadership because that may well be asked what you are like by your new guild and then where to go to actually find your new guild. It follows up with actually getting onto your guilds raids if they use DKP or a system like EPGP, how to be prepared through doing your homework and finally how to keep that spot when you get it so that you can continue raiding.