

  • The Bourne Conspiracy 'Takedown Trailer' demonstrates groin punching engine

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    Those who wouldn't consider themselves fans of office equipment-related acts of violence should probably go ahead and skip this video altogether -- but if you're the kind of person who owns multiple copies of the Jean Claude Van Damme masterpiece "Bloodsport", feel free to treat yourself to the above trailer for Sierra's adaptation of Robert Ludlum's popular series of espionage novels, The Bourne Conspiracy. Who knew literature could be so ... pugilistic?We're still waiting for that lackluster gameplay montage or negative hands-on writeup to confirm our general apprehension towards adapted games, but with the continuing font of sizzle trailers Sierra is churning out, our steadfast trepidation is waning. Damon be damned -- we can't wait for Conspiracy's June 3 release date.

  • Bourne Conspiracy trailer flaunts ambitious gameplay

    Majed Athab
    Majed Athab

    It can be quite a painful ordeal to desire games derived from pre-sold text such as books, television, and movies. The Bourne Conspiracy is one such game, as we want it oh so badly to turn out amazing -- especially after watching this intense trailer. We're thoroughly impressed by the offerings presented, but the tainted history of licensed games always nags at our thoughts. Could this be the exception? Maybe.In this latest trailer, we see this title's ambitious gameplay at work as it mimics the fast-paced action seen in the Bourne flicks. The gameplay is wisely wrapped around honing the feeling of being Jason Bourne -- that means turning anything and everything into a deadly weapon, as well as the ability to escape out of nearly impossible situations. The kinds of moves you can pull off, especially the hand-to-hand combat, look amazingly fun to pick up and try out. As much as we are enamored by this new peek at The Bourne Conspiracy, we'll wait until we test this baby out for ourselves before hopping back on the licensed games bandwagon.[Thanks Dahk!]

  • The Bourne Conspiracy trailer looks surprisingly rad

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    We've got a pretty hard and fast rule when it comes to movie-based-games: "Avoid them like a two-month-old bubonic plague sandwich." It's usually easy to follow, but sometimes, totally rad trailers come along and shake our resolve. Take, for instance, this demonstration for The Bourne Conspiracy. We're aware that the odds are in favor of the game being a hastily crafted Syphon Filter clone, but that doesn't make this trailer any less exhilarating. Somehow, our apprehension towards a game just fades away when it features the ability to bludgeon a man to death with literature.Watch the trailer with an open mind, you might dig it as well -- just try not to hold the video's awkward narration against it. Don LaFontaine this guy ain't.

  • The Bourne Conspiracy to conspire on 360

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Sierra Entertainment has announced Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Conspiracy for Xbox 360 (and PS3 ... blah, blah). Developed by High Moon Studios, creators of the vampiric western, Darkwatch, the game puts players in the shoes of brainwashed government assassin, Jason Bourne. The game promises to let players experience Bourne's evolution from deadly assassin to rogue agent. Given the visual similarities to Splinter Cell Conviction and the attachment of Robert Ludlum's name to the title, it looks like Sierra is doing everything it can to establish a competing franchise. With Conviction seemingly borrowing from the Bourne films, it will be interesting to see the inevitable comparisons between the two games when The Bourne Conspiracy ships next summer.More info will be revealed at E3 next month, and a cover story will appear in the August issue of OXM. Check out the first batch of screenshots in the gallery below.[Via Joystiq]%Gallery-4286%

  • The Bourne Conspiracy snipes a PS3 release [Update]

    Peter vrabel
    Peter vrabel

    Yes folks, another tie-in. The Bourne Ultimatum is coming to theaters this summer while a different, next-gen offering The Bourne Conspiracy, hits PS3 and Xbox 360 next year in 2008. The game is tailoring its plot around Jason Bourne's identity, borrowing heavily from source materials of ... The Bourne Identity. We don't fully understand why Ludlum Entertainment doesn't just call the game The Bourne Identity, other than perhaps to induce confusion amongst the franchise titles. Considering the first film already has a well-established fan base, it would seem starting the game franchise at the base level and allowing sequels to follow the film release time line would make more sense. But hey, we don't make games, we just play 'em. What do we know? Fans of The Bourne Identity novel and film reiteration will also notice new story elements added to the game. For example, the game will include the pivotal moment when Jason Bourne first learns his identity and the discovery of the overabundant cans of whoopin' he has at his disposal. No release date yet, but expect to hear more on this after The Bourne Ultimatum's release this summer and subsequent (and highly likely) DVD release.[Update: The Bourne Ultimatum is coming to theaters this summer. The Bourne Conspiracy is the game title only, of which there has yet to be a film reiteration. Corrections made to the post clarifying this. Thanks, The Sh0wstopper & Jon K]