

  • Tier 17 raid armor preview

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Blizzard released a preview of tier 17 armor sets tonight in advance of the grand opening of Highmaul. The paladin set is displayed above and you can see the rest of them over on Battle.net. If I may be a crotchety old Warcraft veteran for a moment, I'm not particularly digging this armor tier. None of the armor sets feel particularly evocative of their class, instead just a spattering of colors and things tacked onto other things. Aesthetics is one of the most subjective things in the world, though. For as apathetic as I am about them, there's undoubtedly someone else who is thrilled.

  • Warlords of Draenor: Tier 17 models datamined

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    The fine folks over at Adriacraft have been busy digging up models from the alpha client for Warlords of Draenor. Today they released a selection of preview videos for tier 17 armor sets. Shaman, monk, mage, rogue and warrior tier 17 are featured in their own videos, as well as a look at the paladin tier 17 mythic set, shown above. As previously mentioned by Ion Hazzikostas in an interview with Wowhead, the appearance of gear in Warlords will be defined by raid difficulty, rather than just a recolor for each level of difficulty. As with a prior video that highlighted mythic tier 17 for warriors, the paladin set has a lot more flash and moving parts. I really love the draenei flavor to the set -- the naaru-like crystalline emblems on the spaulders are pretty cool. To see all the datamined tier models, head over to Adriacraft's Youtube channel and take a look.