

  • Battlestar Galactica Cylon Toaster produces fanboy-approved bread

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Think you're the nerdiest BSG nerd on the face of this particular planet? Oh, yeah? Then bust out your Mr. Wizard plastic wallet and head on down to the read link, because any true fan simply will not be able to eat breakfast again without the Battlestar Galactica Cylon Toaster. Supposedly the device is limited in quantity, as only one batch is being created specifically for Comic-Con. Those who'd rather get in line now instead of paying 4x more on eBay in a month can plunk down $65 and wait for shipments to begin on July 29th. Mmm, Cylon toast.[Via Register Hardware]

  • Messaging toaster burns notes into your breakfast

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    For being one of the most brilliantly simple electronic devices ever to exist, the humble toaster certainly draws a lot of design attention, and this messaging toaster from Sasha Tseng certainly adds in a feature we never knew we wanted -- until now. We're not 100 percent clear on exactly how it works, but using the supplied stylus to doodle on the top lid of the toaster will result in a scorchmark-and-bread rendering of your masterpiece. Not exactly the most covert way of sending messages to your family, perhaps, but since when has practicality been important in toaster concept design?[Via Shiny Shiny and Giz]

  • Transparent Toaster gives you clear view of bread's crispiness

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    You know, it'd be quite nice for toaster manufacturers to actually grab hold of one of the numerous concepts floating around out there and give the tried and true machine a facelift, but until then, conceptualizers are keepin' the ideas a-coming. On deck is the Transparent Toaster, which hopes to utilize clear panes of "heating glass" that allow you to clearly see precisely how burnt your bread is becoming. Of course, we'd certainly hope some sort of self-cleaning apparatus would be added if this thing were to go commercial, but it ain't a half bad idea as it is.[Via ShinyShiny]

  • Mool Toaster faces designer toaster duo, gets burned

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    These days it takes a lot to please us in a purely conceptual and wholly impractical toaster design, and while the "Mool Toaster" from Atil Kizilbayir does qualify as a fancy new take on bread browning, it falls on its face -- butter side down, if you will -- when up against toasting gods like the Glide and the ROLLERtoaster. Just like its counterparts, the Mool has a complete disregard for safety, particularly from the exploratory fingers of little children, but it also manages a heating-inefficient design, bigger-than-a-toaster footprint, and a so-so color scheme. You're supposed to load up the removable rack with your bread stuffs, but we're not sure if it even pops out automatically, or if you'll need to risk life and limb to remove the rack. Does Atil seriously expect us to commit our imaginary sliced breads to his actual award winning conceptual toaster? Puhlease.[Via SCI FI Tech]

  • Glide toaster gives breakfast bread a new flair

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Sure, toasters have gotten bigger, more colorful, and more likely to burn down your house since its conception, but unlike refrigerators, dishwashers, and microwaves, this cooking utensil just hasn't gotten much attention over the years. Enter George Watson, a clever design guru with an engineering heart, who has crafted the best thing since sliced toasted bread, the Glide. This primarily white ceramic toast cooker boasts a simplified design, a single-feed toaster, and a V-shaped rack to hold the toast for use on the kitchen table. Twin hot plates heat the bread as the motorized unit pulls it through, and a handy button on the front increases or decreases the speed in which it passes -- you know, to satisfy those who like it warm, and those who like it black. Mr. Watson's invention looks to be part of a design competition, thus we're not exactly sure if GE or Kitchen-Aid has contacted him regarding a deal, but hopefully we'll soon see these things replacing those antiquated versions we're all forced to deal with now.[Via BoingBoing]

  • TiVo fundraising with self-branded toasters / snowglobes

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    While just about everyone has experienced their fair share of ups and downs with TiVo, it's great to see the smiley TV box raising funds for two meaningful causes. The firm is offering up self-branded toasters and snowglobes (for $45 and $28, respectively) to its employees in order to raise money for the James Kim Memorial Fund and The Katrina Fund. Of course, it could be slightly difficult to get your hands on either of these adornments if you can't badge into TiVo HQ everyday, but perhaps a saintly reader could be a liaison for a group buy? Regardless, even if you're still using one of the eight toasters you got as a graduation gift or you've severed all ties with TiVo (and jumped ship), here's to lending a helping hand to those in need. Keep reading for a taste of TiVo toast...[Via PVRWire]

  • ROLLERtoaster: the best thing to happen to toasters since sliced bread

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    Just when we thought we'd seen it all, ROLLERtoaster comes onto the scene and makes everybody look bad. Sure, it's just a concept for now, but don't say we didn't warn you when this thing takes the world by storm and revolutionizes the entire toast industry forever. Designed by Jaren Goh of Singapore, and winner of the 2006 Red Dot Award, the ROLLERtoaster is pretty self explanatory: stick bread in one side, and watched it get rolled into toast by the compact little unit. We're not so sure how well this is guarded from little probing fingers, or the exact mechanism for rolling the toast through, but do details like that really matter when faced with such exquisite design beauty? We didn't think so.

  • Xbox wants your Pop-Tarts

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    Click to enlargeJoystiq stumbled across this while looking for something extremely sugary to keep us up through the Wii launch event in Los Angeles. Lo and behold, Xbox 360 + Pop-Tarts = free beanie. If you send in three Pop-Tarts UPCs and the official order form by next New Year's Eve (that's 2007, folks) you'll snag yourself a beanie, assuming you bought a toaster instead of a PlayStation 3.Is it just us, or is this a pretty wacky advertisement? Do people actually still clip and save UPC codes and send 'em in for free schwag? The little guy on the box seems to be pretty jazzed about the hat, or else he's afraid it's about to crush him. If that's not enough, check out the back of the box where a pony-tailed girl admires the hat from afar. Those poor girl gamers, always on the sideline, never wearing the hat.The best part of the box is the "actual design may vary" caveat next to the hat. It would really make our day if Microsoft managed to substitute "Windows Vista" beanies instead.

  • PS3: better than a toaster?

    Kyle Orland
    Kyle Orland

    For serious gamers this holiday season, there is really only one question: whether to buy a PS3 or a toaster. Thank goodness there's now a video guide to the relative benefits of each unit. According to the video, while the PS3 excels with its myriad cords and inputs, excellent love-making ability and saucy German attitude, the toaster is definitely the choice for fans of toast and Pop Tarts. We're a little skeptical of the video's claims that the PS3's self-replicating ability will ensure plentiful supplies at launch, but it's still worth due consideration.Previously: PS3 vs. Wii Mac Spoof[Via MacSpoofs]