

  • Sensium wireless digital band-aid begins clinical trials

    Joseph L. Flatley
    Joseph L. Flatley

    It hasn't been a year since it was first announced, and now clinical trials have begun for Sensium. Billed as a "digital plaster," the thin patch contains a power source and sensors for monitoring heart rate, temperature, and perspiration -- all of which can then be sent to your doctor via smartphone / PDA. Sure, it might not have the inherent drama of the rack of loud, blinking machines we're used to seeing in ICUs, but on the other hand it is cheap, disposable, and has a battery life of several days. The device is based on the company's AMx semiconductor IP platform for Body Area Networks, so if you work at a hospital or are a supplier for a large medical concern, hit the read link to see if you can get in on the clinical trials. If not, we're sure that Adafruit will figure out how to build one with an Arduino any day now. PR after the break.

  • Wireless chip-on-a-band-aid to monitor patients from home

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    UK startup Toumaz Technology is bringing band-aids into the 21st century with a new technology that can remotely monitor patients. The solution involves a custom mini-chip with a 5-7 day battery, with built-in 800-900MHz wireless and a price as low as $5 a pop when the disposable patch is released next year. The chip is designed to relay data from sensors such as electrocardiogram, a three-axis accelerometer, blood glucose, ph-level and blood pressure monitors. Consumers will be able to wear the patch at home, and hopefully a Lisa Frank version will be soon in the making.