

  • 39 Things About Patch 6.1 with TradeChat

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    When a new patch is on the horizon, news is fast, furious, and ever-changing. So we couldn't blame you if you're having trouble keeping up with all the patch 6.1 news (and the changes to that news). Fortunately for all of us, TradeChat has pulled together a list of 39 things you should know about patch 6.1 to get you up to speed on everything that's coming to the game in the next patch. Sure, it could all change at a moment's notice, but you'll be caught up for now. If you enjoyed the show, make sure to subscribe to TradeChat, leave a comment, and come back next week for the next episode!

  • TradeChat's latest WoW jokes

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    The WoW Insider Weekly Recap will return next week, but in the meantime, TradeChat brings us another edition of her WoW Jokes series hosted by her cast of fictional characters. You'll groan more often than you laugh -- but a good groan is sometimes just as good. Be warned: the video does contain some language we would consider NSFW.

  • 39 facts about garrisons in Warlords of Draenor

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Garrisons evolved to become a central feature of Warlords of Draenor over the course of the expansion's development. Whether you're Alliance of Horde, garrisons are packed full of little details ranging from the gameplay-essential to the just-for-fun. Join Panser of TradeChat in exploring 39 garrison facts -- and even as garrison-obsessed as I am, there were a few in there that even I didn't know.

  • Weekly news roundup with Panser of TradeChat

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    The WoW Insider Weekly Recap is back again this week to discuss all of the hottest news of the past week. This week's topics include: Pet and mount sale WoW in 2015 Question of the week: How do you feel about Blizzard effectively selling gold? If you enjoyed the show, make sure to subscribe to TradeChat, leave a comment, and come back next week for the next episode!

  • 39 things about patch 6.0

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Not ready for patch 6.0 yet? Our good friend Panser is here to help! TradeChat presents 39 things to know about patch 6.0. Even if you've been keeping up with all of the latest news, we recommend giving the video a watch -- there might be a few nuggets in there you didn't know.

  • WoW Moviewatch: Sad Horde Diaries

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Cat owners will be familiar with Sad Cat Diary, in which a parade of adorable cats express their dissatisfaction with their existence, in which their needs are constantly thwarted by the mysterious machinations of the authority (read: their owners). Actually, we're surprised we're surprised it's taken this long for someone to make the connection between disaffected cats and disaffected WoW players, who are similarly thwarted by the authority (read: Blizzard). But now Sad Horde Diaries is here to correct that oversight. Put together by TradeChat, Sad Horde Diaries collects the many miseries of the average WoW player in this familiar format... and though we may face different trials than our feline companions (who somehow don't even know what the valor cap is), the comparison does make our concerns seem a little silly. Maybe. Interested in the wide world of machinima? We have new movies every weekday here on WoW Moviewatch! Have suggestions for machinima we ought to feature? Toss us an email at

  • TradeChat's 39 facts about Warlords of Draenor

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    From everything from the leveling grind, to garrisons, to new stats, and legendary quests, Panser takes you on a whirlwind tour of the upcoming features in Warlords of Draenor. This video should be especially helpful for those folks that think Warlords isn't offering any new content. There's a ton of new stuff, and Panser does an excellent job of highlighting everything new that's coming up. There's plenty that she doesn't get to as well, but with expansions like WoD, there's only so many hours in the day. For more information on the next expansion, check out our extensive guide. And be sure to subscribe to TradeChat on YouTube for all of Panser's great videos.

  • TradeChat takes on the history of WoW

    Olivia Grace
    Olivia Grace

    Taking on the entire history of a game like World of Warcraft, from its announcement back in 2001 all the way up to today is a huge task, but TradeChat is up to it. She has created an epic 16 minute video taking on all the famous landmarks on the way, starting with that Leeroy Jenkins incident, the MOAR DOTS video, WoW's appearance on South Park, and the Corrupted Blood incident that's been used as a model for disease spread in countless studies. There's even an appearance in a question on Jeopardy! featuring Jenkins himself! Panser has done an amazing job here, hitting the pop culture references, the first parodies, the subscription rise and fall, the releases and trailers of all the expansions and major patches. Adverts, both by other companies such as Moutain Dew and Toyota and those for World of Warcraft itself. She has Mila Kunis' famous interview with Jimmy Kimmel, talking about raiding,and countless other tidbits you might not have known before! What I love is how she's taken the announcement videos from all the expansions, and actually shows us all the things she's talking about instead of just marking time.

  • Panser of TradeChat talks free level 90s

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    It's Tuesday, which means it's time for a new video from TradeChat's Panser. Because it's been a slow news week coming out of the holidays, this week's video is less of a news recap and more of a discussion, focusing on the controversial free boost to level 90 Blizzard will be handing out with Warlords of Draenor. Love it or hate it, it seems to be Blizzard's way of getting players into Warlords content as quickly as possible. We've heard that Blizzard has been sending out polls about what you'd be willing to pay for a level 90 character... and though we're not sure what Blizzard is planning to do with this information, they're clearly weighing their options. So what do you think of instant level 90s? Catch up on the issue and chat with Panser about it. Enjoyed the show? Be sure to subscribe to TradeChat to see more!

  • 15 Minutes of Fame: The rainbow world of TradeChat's Panser

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    The trademark pink hair of video blogger Panser of TradeChat and WoW Insider's weekly news recap should be declared a valid form of crowd control. Less enlightened viewers seem to find themselves sheeped in her v-log comments on a regular basis, bleating about her eye-popping pink coif, the peaches-and-cream looks that propelled her to the finals in the Maxim Gamer Girl competition, and (oh dear, guys, don't get out much, eh?) her gender. But it's Panser's bona fides as a gamer, not her pink hair, that make her updates one of the liveliest, most informed sources of WoW, League of Legends and gaming news on the web. A lifelong gamer with five active level 90 WoW characters and what she refers to as a "small problem with alts," Panser crunches through the weekly WoW news like a bag of Skittles, full of fun and flavor. Ready for a peek over the TradeChat rainbow?

  • TradeChat interviews two Hearthstone developers

    Michael Gray
    Michael Gray

    A lot of the news lately has been about Hearthstone, the new digital card came announced by Blizzard at PAX. Our own intrepid Dawn Moore interviewed Eric Dodds and Jason Chayes about the game. But with such an interesting game on the horizon, who wouldn't be eager for more? TradeChat got the chance to interview Ben Brode and Jason Chayes about the game. Covering topics like the difference between purchased and earned packs, accessibility, and even the crafting system. It's a pretty cool interview and provides even more insight to the game. Check out the video and let TradeChat know what you think!

  • TradeChat rounds up Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

    Michael Gray
    Michael Gray

    Well, if you haven't been watching the blog today, you might not have heard: Hearthstone has been announced. An online, free-to-play digital card game, Hearthstone might start a whole new wave of WoW madness. TradeChat explains the game, shares the preview, and basically tells us what's up. Find out what we know so far about the new game!

  • TradeChat on Patch 5.2's changes

    Olivia Grace
    Olivia Grace

    In a video released last night, mere moments before patch 5.2's PTR went live, Panser sums up all the best bits that can be found in the PTR, drawing from the full current notes that WoW Insider recently published. Among Panser's highlights were the following: The new daily quest hub, the isle of the Thunder King, will bring new quest lines, including dailies, quests that focus on either PvP or PvE, along with events and access to the mysterious "Treasure Room". Two new world bosses are added, Nalak the Storm Lord only being available after the defeat of Lei Shen, and Oondasta. These world bosses tap to faction. Pet Battle Changes: bandages stack to 25 and bind on account. PvP pet battle victories can award pet battle stones, and XP and lesser charms can be awarded from wins in PvP or PvE pet battles, depending on level. New pets on the Isle of Lightning, from wild pet battles, even from raid drops. Elite pet battles will take on your entire team, and defeating them will award an adorable red panda cub! New mounts, including a Spectral Charger, a Triceratops and Pterodactyl New hearthstone item called a Dark Portal Heirlooms will scale to 85. Darkmoon top hat offers 10% increased XP and reputation gain. If you enjoyed the video, don't forget to head over to Panser's channel and subscribe, and check back for her weekly recaps every Friday. Mists of Pandaria is here! The level cap has been raised to 90, many players have returned to Azeroth, and pet battles are taking the world by storm. Keep an eye out for all of the latest news, and check out our comprehensive guide to Mists of Pandaria for everything you'll ever need to know.

  • 39 tips for new World of Warcraft players

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    We've all been new to World of Warcraft at some point. For some of us, we were new way back in 2004 when the game first launched. Others are only just now playing the game for the first time, leaping in with Mists of Pandaria. Veterans watching Panser's 39 tips for WoW noobs will surely eyeroll at the simplicity of some of them, but remember -- there was almost certainly a time you didn't know some of these things yourself. Keyboard shortcuts especially!

  • Catch up on patch 5.1 with Panser of TradeChat

    Michael Gray
    Michael Gray

    The inestimable Panser of TradeChat is indisposed today, so we're getting our weekly dose of spectacular hair color with this easy roundup of patch 5.1. I think she's slaying a dragon or shooting down toasters or something. While the testing of patch 5.1 continues over on the PTR, this video tells you all the basic information you need to know. From new achievements to Brawler's Guild, see what Blizzard has in store for the world of Azeroth!

  • Is Panser Queen of the Nerds?

    Olivia Grace
    Olivia Grace

    WoW Insider's very own Weekly Recap host, Panser, is to appear on a TBS show, to take a shot at being crowned King of the Nerds! King of the Nerds is said to be taking the "glory of geekdom to a whole new level" as all eleven of the competitors striving for this illustrious title will live together in what has been dubbed Nerdvana. As the show's site, where Panser is prominently featured, says: Each week, they must face challenges that will test their intellect, ingenuity, skills and pop culture prowess. In each episode, the nerds will first compete as teams and then as individuals, facing challenges that range from live gaming to a dance-off to life-sized chess. One competitor will be eliminated each week until one nerd stands alone as the ultimate champion of all things nerdy. I'm sure you'll join WoW Insider in wishing Panser all the best in her bid for geek glory! The show airs on TBS in January 2013. We'll be watching!

  • WoW Insider Weekly Recap featuring Panser of Tradechat

    Michael Gray
    Michael Gray

    Welcome back to our weekly recap, featuring the TradeChat's Panser. We look back at the hottest news from the past week and whatever other kickin' rad things may have come our way. This week's topics include: Method World First Rogues Best Melee DPS Pacifist Druid hits 90 85 Alts Farm Guide Hallows End Guide WoW Mega Blocks commercial Wowkemon Your Pet Battle Team If you enjoyed the show, make sure to subscribe to TradeChat, leave a comment, and come back next week for the next episode!

  • The pop culture references in Mists of Pandaria you need to know

    Michael Gray
    Michael Gray

    Mists of Pandaria is hardly the first WoW expansion to embrace plenty of cheeky pop culture references, but it's the most recent one to do so. Of course, that's because it's the most recent expansion. It's all freaky coincidental like that. At any rate, grab yourself a steaming hot mug of irony and kick back to enjoy your guided tour through those references with Panser of TradeChat. Whether we're talking about frogs in bottles or arrows in the knee, Panser will make sure you're up to date on all the hip in jokes. Mists of Pandaria is here! The level cap has been raised to 90, many players have returned to Azeroth, and pet battles are taking the world by storm. Keep an eye out for all of the latest news, and check out our comprehensive guide to Mists of Pandaria for everything you'll ever need to know.

  • Weekly news recap, featuring Niko

    Michael Gray
    Michael Gray

    If you look really, really close, you might notice that's not Panser of TradeChat. Your weekly roundup this week is once again brought to you by Niko, whose rapier wit and incredible eloquence will catch you up on this week's hottest news. Blizzard raises over $330,000 for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital 9 reader tips for making gold Obsidian Nightwing is the new RAF mount Transmogging Final Fantasy 6: Terra, Locke, and Celes Breakfast Topic: Does your employer know you play WoW? If you enjoyed the show, make sure to subscribe to Niko on YouTube, leave a comment, and come back next week for the next episode! If you didn't notice that's not TradeChat ... Uh, sorry?

  • BlizzCon 2011: Reader meetup recap

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    This year's reader meetup was our best yet. We hit venue capacity of 2,200 attendees within the first hour of the event, blowing away last year's attendance record by a wide margin. A little over two hours into the six hour event, over 3,000 attendees walked through the doors. After that, we lost count. We only brought 3,000 wrist bands to hand out at the door. Every single one of us at WoW Insider, Wowhead, and had an absolutely wonderful time meeting and greeting our fans. We gave away countless prizes, drank endless drinks (as you can tell from our attendees' Twitter accounts), and had a generally great time. As we do every year, the moment BlizzCon comes to a close, we're going to buckle down and get to work on next year's event. Your feedback is absolutely welcome. If you didn't get to attend and our livestream last night simply wasn't enough for you, below is our gallery of the reader meetup. %Gallery-137254% The news is out -- we'll be playing Mists of Pandaria! Find out what's in store with an all-new talent system, peek over our shoulder at our Pandaren hands-on, and get ready to battle your companion pets against others. It's all here right at WoW Insider!