

  • New RP, PvE servers open for transfers

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    Well, they promised a new RP transfer server, and here it is. Not only that, but to go along with it, they're giving us another brand new PvE realm, a transfer one this time. These transfers opened up last night at 11 PM PST, and are scheduled to close on Friday, 1/23 at 9 PM PST/midnight EST (but could close early if enough people transfer, so go soon if you intend on going). The details: Source: Aggramar (Alliance Only), Alleria (Alliance Only), Area 52, Argent Dawn, Azjol-Nerub, Blackhand, Bloodhoof, Cenarion Circle, Cenarius, Dalaran, Doomhammer, Dragonblight, Earthen Ring, Emerald Dream, Feathermoon, Garona (Alliance Only), Garrosh (to Wyrmrest Accord only), Hellscream, Icecrown, Lightninghoof, Maelstrom, Moon Guard, Silvermoon, Twisting Nether, Whisperwind, Zul'jin Destination: Winterhoof (PvE), Wyrmrest Accord (RP). Both realms are in the Emberstorm battlegroup and the Pacific time zone. There's a note in Zarhym's post to the effect that Wyrmrest Accord is in fact an RP server, and the RP rule set will be enforced there. Probably best to go to the other server if you want to grief RPers, roll a character named "Arthuss," or otherwise do non-RP-server-friendly things.

  • New PvE realm open for transfers

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    In anticipation of the Wrath of the Lich King launch this Thursday, Blizzard has opened up a brand-new US PvE realm called Fizzcrank. Some of the higher-population realms will be eligible for transfer, presumably in an attempt to lower populations so the realms don't crash and burn in a few days. So far, according to the breaking news box, players on the following realms are permitted to flee: Aggramar Alexstrasza Arygos Blackhand That list comes suspiciously close to the beginning of the alphabet, though, so I wouldn't be surprised if it's a truncated portion of a bigger list. Blizzard is saying to go to the account management page to check if you're eligible. Also no word yet on what battlegroup Fizzcrank will be a part of. Stay tuned for updates.