

  • Breakfast Topic: What's the worst trash pull in the game?

    Fox Van Allen
    Fox Van Allen

    Ladies and gentlemen, it is official: I hate Ultraxion trash. Hate it. There's nothing I hate more. There's nothing especially fun or challenging about it. You stand around and DPS dragons. It lasts way too long, and the dragons have such low health that most of my DoT spells really don't do much of anything. I can only imagine how bad it must be for melee players, who barely have time to even get to the dragons before they're dead. And as a final insult, the damn dragons don't even drop loot. Trash pulls are never really much fun in general, but Ultraxion trash is definitely a Dragon Soul low point. That's my opinion, but how about you -- what trash pull do you think is the worst? How you define worst is up to you: most challenging, most annoying, most time-consuming, hardest to tank, hardest to heal -- whatever makes you want to defenestrate your keyboard the most.

  • Spiritual Guidance: Cataclysm heroics vs. Wrath heroics

    Fox Van Allen
    Fox Van Allen

    Every week, WoW Insider brings you Spiritual Guidance for discipline, holy and shadow priests. Fox Van Allen, your shadow specced host for the Wednesday version of SG, once again finds himself suffering from an IRL version of Devouring Plague. This means three things: 1.) This version of SG was written under the influence of cough syrup; 2.) this version of SG is likely to be a disjointed mess; and 3.) Fox fell asleep on the keyboard three or four times in the middle of writing it. This past weekend, I've been playing around a little bit with my druid. It's the first I've really played it since patch 4.0.1 went live, and it's really amazing how much has changed. I'm casting Wrath to buff Starfire, and then I'm casting Starfire to buff Wrath. There are a couple new "faux power auras" to learn, too. I kind of like the new mechanic, but the feel of it is just so different than what I was used to back in the days of yore. (For those keeping track, "yore" means, like, September.) Shadow priests are somewhat fortunate in that our spec worked well enough in the world of patch 3.3.5 that it didn't need some kind of Lunar Eclipse/Solar Eclipse gimmick. Cataclysm plays a lot like patch 4.0.1, which plays a lot like patch 3.3.5. That doesn't mean there aren't notable differences in the way the game plays, though, especially when it comes to something so seemingly familiar as your daily heroic.