

  • Furnishing a house and relocation concept.

    Zillow makes it easier to rent an apartment while social distancing

    Marc DeAngelis
    Marc DeAngelis

    Prospective apartment renters can tour properties, apply for a lease, and conduct all paperwork and payments online.

  • Google Maps Android API 2.0 lets developers tune apps for tablets, head indoors (video)

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    As aggressive as Google has been about pushing updates to Google Maps for Android, large swaths of those additions have been unavailable to third-party app developers. They're now on a more level playing field now that a version 2.0 Maps API is rolling out the door. The revamp is more accommodating of tablets and other big-screen gear through support for Android Fragments; many of Maps' more advanced information layers, such as indoor maps, are likewise exposed to those who don't work at a Google campus. The additions are already finding their way into apps from Trulia and a handful of others, but every other mobile developer with a cartographic bent can hit the source to upgrade their handiwork.