

  • Google Reader problems

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    Several readers have let us know that our feed isn't updating in Google Reader. Our team of crack web ninjas is looking into this and I have faith that a solution will be found shortly. Until that time I suggest Google Reader users visit TUAW.com and repeatedly hit Command-R.Thanks to everyone who let us know.

  • Enough with the iPhone already

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    Judging from the uptick in comments/emails we have been recieving as of late there is a small, but vocal, set of TUAW readers who don't give two figs about the iPhone. While that might make us just a little sad, it is understandable. Cell phones just aren't for everyone, and we here at TUAW care about our readers (seriously, if I could hug you through this computer screen I totally would).That's why Erica whipped up this iPhone free TUAW feed a few days ago. Since the iPhone coverage is picking up I thought I would remind everyone that it exists, so if you want your TUAW iPhone free just subscribe to this feed (it uses Yahoo! Pipes, so it won't update as fast as our regular feed, but it will contain much less iPhone).TUAW loves you.