

  • Watchmen 5 disc UCE scheduled for the holidays

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    This double dipping is getting out of control. The Watchmen Blu-ray disc hasn't even released in standard and Collector's Edition form, and Warner is already plotting a 5-disc set due for the holidays. As shown in the flier there will be 2+ hours of more bonus content, new commentary track plus the Watchmen Motion Comics packed in, with Tales of the Black Freighter integrated into the director's cut of Watchmen for an even longer movie. Because what Watchmen needed was to be longer.

  • I Am Legend Ultimate Collectors Edition Blu-ray double-dips December 9

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Ready for even more double dipping? Warner is returning December 9 with the I Am Legend Ultimate collectors Edition in a 2-disc Blu-ray set with a $59.99 MSRP. Exclusive on Blu-ray are picture-in-picture Focus Points that let you watch the making of during the movie on a Bonus View-capable player. As pictured above, the box packs in a 44-page sketch book, art cards and more. That's quite a spread for one movie (and yes, the alternate ending is included in this release also), enough to make you go back for more?