

  • Rock Band 2 UK Bandana: VAT tax strikes again

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    We knew a dollar wasn't worth much in Europe these days -- but damn! $366 for a United Kingdom bandana? Harmonix is showing a sense of humor over the European pricing of Rock Band (the first one), which sparked a "flamefest" earlier this year when the total retail price was set at €240 (or, what was roughly $366) -- the price has since fallen to €210 for the Xbox 360 version.The "UK Bandana" is being sold (using the game's virtual currency) in the Rock Band 2 shop as an accessory for players' in-game avatars, complete with this disclaimer: "Though this price may seem unfairly high, you need to figure in VAT tax, Suggested Retail Price, shipping costs ... you're not being gouged." Frightening American economic happenings aside, we're certainly enjoying a chuckle. How about you, Europe?