

  • Looking Glass Studios co-founder working on new Underworld game

    Danny Cowan
    Danny Cowan

    Ultima Underworld designer Paul Neurath has formed a new studio, announcing plans to continue the long-dormant series in the upcoming Underworld Ascension. Boston-based OtherSide Entertainment has secured the rights to develop new games in the Underworld franchise, with Neurath serving in an administrative role. Neurath previously co-founded Looking Glass Studios, where he worked on landmark PC games like System Shock 2 and Thief. Further details regarding Underworld Ascension will be announced in the coming months. [Image: OtherSide Entertainment]

  • EA games now on GOG, starting with Privateer, Dungeon Keeper, and Ultima Underworld

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    During CD Projekt's ongoing streaming press conference, the publisher revealed that Electronic Arts is going to join the roster of companies opening up their vintage catalogues to the DRM-free retro store Good Old Games. The first announced games include Wing Commander Privateer, Dungeon Keeper, and pioneering first-person RPGs Ultima Underworld 1 and 2. And those three are available right now for $5.99 each! Three more EA classics" are coming before the end of June, and then "over 20" more games from the publisher are coming this summer. Unfortunately, System Shock and Syndicate aren't part of the agreement right now, due to rights issues. But, a GOG spokesman said, "never say never."

  • Ken Levine lists favorite games again, changes mind on a few

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Ken Levine plays video games. Shocking, we know! Speaking with IndustryGamers, Levine, who is currently working on a super-secret project, listed his ten favorite games. Occupying the top five spots in descending order are: World of Warcraft, Civilization, Beyond Good & Evil, Ultima Underworld and Company of Heroes.Back in 2007, Levine produced a similar list for MSNBC. His top five have apparently shifted in the last two years, though, as Heroes of Might and Magic 2 and Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past have fallen even beyond the BioShock developer's top ten. How hast these games forsaken thee, Ken? What hast they done for thou to banish them from thy heart likest so?