

  • Phat Loot Phriday: Vanquished Tentacle of C'Thun

    Michael Gray
    Michael Gray

    With Cataclysm lurking around the corner like a cat eager for tuna, it's time to take a gentle stroll back to loots of yesteryear. The loots you got in the first raids, even before Karazhan. Loots that drop from elder gods, who you slayed with nothing but your determination, your wits and a faint desire to chase night elves around Stormwind. And so, gentle reader, I introduce to you the Vanquished Tentacle of C'thun. There were probably combat applications for the Vanquished Tentacle back in the day. Like, it summoned a tentacle that would fight for you and stuff. But nowadays, I mostly see it used by blood elves in Silvermoon for roleplay. (Look, I'm not judging, I'm just saying.) The tentacle that is summoned is large and green and longer than your average tentacle. The truth is that if you're looking to play a warlock in touch with insane elder gods, you could do worse than to use the Vanquished Tentacle as a roleplay prop. Or you could drape yourself in the blood of Yogg-Saron, but who would be dumb enough to do that? Name Vanquished Tentacle of C'Thun Type Trinket Attributes Summons a Vanquished Tentacle to your aid for 30 sec. (3 Min Cooldown) How to get it Kill an Elder God. It used to take about 40 people, but you can do it with a handful nowadays. I've not yet heard of anyone soloing it, though. How to get rid of it It sells to 10 gold. I'd have thought one's sanity worth more than that. %Gallery-33600%

  • The Queue: Trinket-Palooza 2009

    Allison Robert
    Allison Robert

    Welcome back to The Queue,'s daily Q&A column where the team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Allison Robert is your hostess today again (our condolences).I'm in an autumnal sort of mood, hence today's picture. Yes, I know that Barrens trees always look like that. We got a really interesting question about trinkets the last time around that really caught my attention, so a lot of today's Queue is going to be comprised of an Enjoyable Stroll Down Memory Lane and Into Holy ^$*# Look At That Trinket From AQ40 How Has That Not Been Nerfed Yet.Starlin asks...So, what's up with Brewfest this year? Anything new or updated?Fortunately or us, Kisirani posted on this same question yesterday. To summarize, there are no major changes to the holiday, but Coren Direbrew has been updated to level 80, the mount drop rates haven't changed (nor are they now required for the Brewfest meta-achievement), and no new pets or mounts have been added. You can reasonably expect a beefed-up holiday boss with a new loot table (most likely of ilevel 200 items, possibly 219 if they want to match the gear from heroic Trial of the Champion), but otherwise the same experience as last year. I'll have an OverAchiever for the good folks seeking Brewfest achievements up on the site soon.

  • The 7 best trinkets in the World of Warcraft

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    You know, if there's one thing I have noticed digging through my bags, it's that I have a whole mess of trinkets. Of all the gear slots, it seems like trinkets are some of the most versatile and swappable. Depending on whether you need a bit more hit rating, a bit more critical strike rating, a bit more mana regeneration, a bit more health, a bit more armor, or you plan to go PvPing for a bit, you can fill up bags upon bags alone with a whole bunch of trinkets, waiting for the right moment to spring them. Then there's the really bad ass trinkets. I'm not talking trinkets that are traditionally defined as "useful," I'm talking about the trinkets that make you into the life of the party. The ones that make other people notice you, make them stand up and say, "Woah, that guy is using some CRAZY trinkets." You know what I mean. Stop trying to get yourself that Ashtongue Talisman, these are the REAL deal.