

  • What WoW Free to Play players can and cannot do

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    The World of Warcraft Starter Edition is Blizzard's free to play option for WoW. While it is a good way to get to know the game, don't go running out to tell all your friends to play with you for free until you know a few things about this edition. In order to avoid pronoun trouble, your friend is named Veronica. A Starter Edition player cannot send or receive mail. So you can't mail bags, gold, or even an empty welcome note to Veronica. Pet Battles are off limits for free to play people, but they can purchase the training -- unfortunately. Veronica will be able to create a Pandaren, just not a monk. More free to play info after the break.

  • Breakfast Topic: Resolutions

    David Bowers
    David Bowers

    Veronica Belmont recently thought of some New Year's resolutions she felt would be firmly within reach. (If you remember, she was the lovely lady who interviewed Leeroy Jenkins at Blizzcon). Number 2 on her list was to reach level 70 in WoW. Have you made any New Year's resolutions related to WoW? Or are resolutions a "strictly real-life" sort of thing to you?