

  • Nintendo planning YouTube revenue-splitting affiliate program

    Mike Suszek
    Mike Suszek

    Nintendo is planning a revenue-sharing affiliate program for those using gameplay footage of its games on YouTube. Video bloggers and "Let's Play" creators alike will need permission from the publisher to broadcast their gameplay clips, according to two tweets from the publisher (as translated by Gamasutra). Just over one year ago, Nintendo issued Content ID Match copyright claims on YouTube videos that featured gameplay clips from its suite of published titles. After the backlash that followed the House of Mario attempting to obtain the whole pie from YouTubers, it's now settling for a slice of it: The new affiliate program would see ad revenue from videos split among Nintendo, Google and the video creators themselves. Nintendo is apparently getting a head start, as it has already tagged recent gameplay videos, placing their advertisements on them. It's still unknown whether YouTube's Content ID Match system would affect livestreaming platform Twitch, providing the reports that YouTube is in talks to acquire Twitch for $1 billion go through. [Image: Nintendo]

  • DayZ's zombies are getting smarter -- and hungrier

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Let us ask you a serious question: Do you like to read your dev blogs or watch them? Thanks to the Bohemia Interactive team, you can do both today! The devs have posted an article covering DayZ standalone's progress as well as a 21-minute video highlighting game footage. The team's been focusing on the inventory system, a non-traditional crafting system, zombie pathfinding, security improvements, a more complex health system, map expansion, and more sensible loot. Lead Developer Rocket urges patience as the team works to complete the standalone version: "We know that you want it released, and we know you want to know when this will be -- but we're 100% committed to making this a great game, and that means we are making sure to do things properly." You can watch the full dev diary video after the jump.

  • Initial DayZ video blog shows new stand-alone footage

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    A lot of stuff has been happening in the world of DayZ here lately, and creator Dean "Rocket" Hall has uploaded a fresh video dev blog to bring all of you zombie sandbox survival sim fans up to speed. Hall is joined by production assistant Matt Lightfoot, and the duo have a quite a lot to talk about over the course of the dev blog's 15-minute running time. Topics include major map improvements, the new clothing system, a streamlined UI, and the newfangled ability to spawn loot inside buildings. See for yourself after the break.

  • Secret World creative director goes crazy, kicks off End of Days chronicle

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    As we creep closer and closer to December 21st, more people seem to be paying attention to the cries of "The world is ending!" instead of reveling in holiday cheer. One recent convert to the end-of-days hype train is none other than Joel Bylos, creative director of The Secret World. After a weekend of poking around and researching the subject, Bylos decided that the world will definitely end at 11:11 on that fateful date and started a video blog to count down the remaining time. In the first installment, Bylos gets wistful about the fate of The Secret World. Then he gets a brilliant idea to bring more players to the game to experience the conspiracies for themselves. Charging into a meeting room, he spouts his idea to eradicate the game's subscription requirements. After all, who needs money when the world is ending? Management, however, seems less than convinced. Don't believe me? Watch the video after the break and see for yourself! [Source: Funcom press release]

  • Embers of Caerus death system revealed in video blog

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    With a plan of cranking out as many features as possible during this final week of its Kickstarter campaign, Forsaken Studios has released a video blog with over 17 minutes of video detailing the planned death system in Embers of Caerus. Technical Director Dave Belcher explains how Embers of Caerus is going well beyond death as a slight inconvenience. Death in EoC is actually a three-stage process: First, incapacitation (health bar drops to 0); second, a restricted state with its own health bar (10% of your main health pool); and third, body destruction (no resurrection, only respawn). Your body can also be looted at each stage of death. If your body is destroyed, you will drop gear, which can be picked up for up short time or become buried in the world. Embers of Caerus is also implementing two types of stat penalties upon death, one temporary and the other permanent (along with a system to counter the permanent loss). Dave continues on to discuss the karma system, body mutilation, and the chance of repentance. With so much important information, don't miss the video after the break. [Thanks to all who sent in the tip!]

  • Firefall video blog says farewell to levels, hello to skill

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    The team at Red 5 Studios has been working hard on making Firefall the best game it can be, and as it turns out, that happens to be a game without traditional levels. A new video blog featuring lead designer Scott Youngblood and development VP James Macauley drops the news that the level system is being discarded and replaced with a much more organic system for player growth. Under the new system, players still earn EXP. That EXP will be spent on specific upgrades at a player's discretion rather than marking off specific levels, allowing you to unlock the upgrades that feel relevant in the order you want them. It also places less emphasis on levels in head-to-head matchups, something Macauley stresses is important to the team. There's more than just the removal of levels at work, however; the development team is also overhauling crafting to be more complex and rewarding as well as developing a new system of equipment tiers to keep players advancing. The full diary just past the break only gives brief glimpses of several new systems, but Firefall fans should be quite happy with what's over the horizon.

  • Age of Empires Online posts first dev diary video

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Cross an RTS game over to an MMO? Madness! Well, OK, maybe it's not madness at all, but this new video dev blog from the team behind Age of Empires Online is pretty crazy! In it, we're treated to an interesting look behind the scenes of this upcoming MMORTS title under production at Gas Powered Games. However, as we learn from CEO Chris Taylor, Producer Dex Manely, and Marketing Manager Justin Kirby, there's a lot of brainstorming and work that goes on when it comes to creating interesting video dev blogs for a game. With fun, stylized graphics, vividly colored environments, tons of action and a pedigree spanning several different popular titles, Age of Empires Online looks like it has a good start. For now, check out the video embedded behind the break, and if the game seems like your idea of fun, head over to the Age of Empires Online site to get signed up for a chance to beta test.

  • New SOE video blog confirms announcement of DC Universe Online at E3 [UPDATED]

    Akela Talamasca
    Akela Talamasca

    The inaugural video blog of Sony Online Entertainment features CEO John Smedley talking with Courtney Simmons, Media Consultant Senior Director at SOE. Smedley goes on a little bit about Free Realms, Everquest 2, and The Agency, but the punch is when the two of them state that they'll be announcing DC Universe Online at E3.Throughout, Courtney comes off as relaxed and engaged, but Smedley appears stiff and uncomfortable. Clearly, he's got a script he needs to stick to, and not even the playful poking of his interviewer can ease that burden from him. Or maybe he's just like that. But the best part is the following quote coming in right around 3:30: "I think for the first time, people are gonna feel like there's a superhero game that makes you feel like a superhero." We hope those words don't come back to haunt you, Mr. Smedley.The Sony press conference is at 11:30 PST -- watch for the announcement![UPDATED: We've corrected this post to reflect Ms. Simmons's actual position as Senior Director, instead of her previous title. Thanks, Courtney!]

  • Sony Online Entertainment shows off its first video blog entry

    Michael Zenke
    Michael Zenke

    The folks at Sony Online Entertainment have offered up their first in what sounds like it will be a series of video blog entries. This first is being hosted by the Vault Network at IGN. Courtney Simmons, the head of PR for the company, chats with SOE CEO John Smedley about the big plans the company has set for this summer. The two talk about E3 announcements, the Comic-Con coming out party for DC Universe Online, hints at what's coming for The Agency and Free Realms, and (of course) a few words about the company's Fan Faire slated for mid-August. The full video is available below the cut - go check it out.

  • Mercenaries 2 on Xbox 360: a tale of the tape

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Either the developers of Mercenaries 2 play a lot of Xbox 360 in their downtime, or Pandemic is bringing its sandbox sequel to Microsoft's console. The chances are strong, even by admission, but Mercs 2 remains exclusively tied to PlayStation 3 -- for now. So guys, care to explain all the 360 equipment cluttering the office in your latest video blog? Perhaps it's time for the official announcement...[Via GamersReports]

  • Democracy Player goes Intel (not quite Universal)

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    The Democracy Player is a cross-platform internet television viewer (or IPTV, for buzzword-compliance) that boasts over 500 built-in channels for your endless entertainment pleasure. It takes a bit of a different approach to internet television with support for a wide variety of aggregation services, including BitTorrent, and a full-blown channel guide.The player was recently updated to version 0.8.5 for all platforms, and there is now an Intel version of the app available - not to be confused with Universal. Their Mac OS X download page offers two separate downloads for PPC and Intel versions, stating that a Universal version is pending.Democracy Player is donationware and available from