

  • Macworld Expo 2011: Vito Technology updates the Walk apps

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Russian company Vito Technology was in one of the booths around the Mobile App Showcase at Macworld 2011 last week, and they kindly sat down to show off new versions of their apps, all coming up in the next month or so as free updates on the App Store. Popular astronomy app Star Walk was first. It's getting a visual enhancement in the next version, with a brand new sky and a new look to the stars that's more visually interesting than the current setup. The other feature that will be added is a "calendar of celestial events," where things like meteor showers or lunar eclipses will be tracked (per your location) so that you can see when something interesting is coming up. Later on, Vito wants to add other cultural displays to the app, including constellation charts and other star maps from Hawaiian, Arabic and Native American viewpoints. Star Walk is also going to be integrated into some of Macmillan's science textbooks, so students will be able to work directly with the app as they learn. We also got to see updates for the other Vito apps, including Solar Walk and a very different Geo Walk.

  • Improving the character selection screen

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    I really like this post over at Mend Pet -- after five years in a game's life, no part of the WoW interface should be remiss from getting the occasional update, and they mention possibly the only part of the game (even the login screen's been updated quite a few times) that's been the same since day one, the character selection screen. There's nothing fundamentally wrong with it, as you can choose your character and get into the game. But everything can be better, no?

  • compLexity hosts a machinima contest at

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    compLexity Gaming has apparently just started up a new machinima site called, and to help promote it, they're hosting a machinima contest. To enter, all you have to do is put their little intro tag on your machinima, and upload it to their site before the end of April, and you'll be eligible to win some cash. The contest is called the $1000 World of Warcraft Movie Contest, but the most you can win is $150 -- they're doing three different contests in May, June, and July. It'll be a public vote for three winners selected from ten chosen by the highest rating on the site, the most views, and four more chosen by the site's staff.Whew. Sounds complicated, but there's also some Creative swag on the line (as well as even possibly a salaried machinima position), so as long as you post a good bit of machinima and make sure it tops views or ratings, you'll be good to go. We'll keep an eye out for the winners -- you may end up seeing them in our very own Moviewatch column, posted every day at noon.[ Thanks, Josh W! ]

  • The best of WoW Insider: February 3-10, 2009

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Busy week over at WoW Insider -- we've got another patch on the horizon and a whole new set of changes to digest. If it's in the World of Warcraft, we've got news and views about it. News WoW Insider's guide to Patch 3.1Everything you need to know about the new patch -- and even some things you don't. Patch 3.0.9 to go live this weekBlizzard puts another set of hotfixes in the mix. Best. Bug. Ever.A Death Knight's Death Grip can send you on a trip around the world. Big changes for Hunters in patch 3.1Something we never thought would happen has: Ammunition is out of the game. Mana regeneration changing dramatically in 3.1Blizzard is flipping the script on regenerating mana in the next patch. Features The Queue: Legendaries are for suckersForget purple -- orange is the new awesome. Wrath 101: Darkmoon cardsA look at the new decks in Wrath. The OverAchiever: 100 Mounts AchievementsOur brand new achievements column will help you get all the mounts you can handle, including the Albino Drake above. Ready Check: Preparing for UlduarWhat to do when you're expecting... a new raid. Totem Talk: 3.1 shocks and awes Shamans

  • WoW Insider is back, HKO Insider canceled

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Apparently HKO Insider hasn't worked out as well as we originally thought it would. After a day full of covering Hello Kitty Online, readers have sent us an overwhelming message: they love WoW Insider, and World of Warcraft is the game we all want to see covered.So you get your wish: starting right now, WoW Insider has returned, and HKO Insider is no more. And none too soon -- our writers, especially Rossi, who would rather wrestle a tiger than write about the Flower Kingdom, were planning a revolt if we didn't change the site format back. And our poll this afternoon pretty conclusively showed what you all felt about the changeover.So we're changing things back. From now on, we'll stay WoW Insider, and be your number one source for news and views about World of Warcraft and the upcoming Wrath of the Lich King expansion. From classes to professions to strategy and community news, we'll only cover World of Warcraft all day every day, from level 1 to 80 and beyond.Unless, that is, they create a Spongebob MMO anytime soon...