

  • Come snag a Vindictus beta key and cover yourself in the blood of your enemies!

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    How do you get into the Vindictus beta? Well according to the goddess Morrigan, thou must punish thy enemies into tiny little bloody pieces about the size of dimes. Once you do that enough times and completely decimate your foes then, and only then, will you be granted access to this exclusive beta. We here at Massively, however, have an easier way: a beta key! Thanks to the folks at Nexon, we've scored 2,000 beta keys for the upcoming open beta test of Vindictus, which starts on September 15th! If that wasn't cool enough, then I have more news for you: you won't have to grab keys for your friends! Everyone who grabs a key for the Vindictus beta will be rewarded with two more beta keys that you can give to your friends! Once your friends redeem their keys, then they'll get two more keys to giveaway, and so forth! So, interested in grabbing yourself a key? Continue reading this post for all of the blood-soaked information!

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: There's war in Kryta and Keiran's got a crush

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    It's been a busy and exciting week for Guild Wars fans. As the game's fifth birthday approaches, things are beginning to happen in Tyria. New events are coming to familiar characters and storylines, but of course we don't have the entire storyline. What would be the fun in that? We're getting just enough of these new things to make us wonder what's coming next. There's a lot going on and some of it can be a bit confusing and difficult to keep up with. Are you losing track of the escalating tensions between the Shining Blade and the White Mantle, or wondering why on earth everyone around you is going on and on about Gwen and Thackeray? Well, follow along after the jump to see what ArenaNet is up to.

  • Microsoft is not for noobs?

    Ryan Block
    Ryan Block

    Ok, so here's what we know about this new about the silly new viral campaign we found last week at it appears to have something to do with gaming, it claims to be affiliated with Microsoft, yet also shows the logo for Razer (the peripheral manufacturer, not the phone), it has a countdown timer that doesn't actually count down, an anonymized DNS record, and perhaps most suspect of all, our peeps at Microsoft were a little baffled when we ran it past them. The Engadget guesstimate: maybe it's that Xbox 360 first person shooter controller we'd heard rumors about? Then again, maybe it's not, but of all these friggin' viral campaigns, we're heartily recommending you really don't get your panties in a twist over this one.[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]