

  • Videos: Wired, VIVmag showcase iPad offerings

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    One of the elusive goals of tablet computing has been to totally replace print media with something new. To date, nobody has been completely successful. When the Windows-based Tablet PCs shipped in the early 2000s, for instance, there was a lot of talk about how magazines would move completely to electronic publishing platforms such as Zinio. Well, here we are in 2010 and many of us still have print magazines showing up in our physical mailboxes on a regular basis. But it could be that the new generation of tablet devices, as heralded by the iPad, could finally create such a great user experience that most magazines would finally make the jump from "dead-tree" to electronic versions. Two magazines well-known for their content, typography, and art design have produced videos highlighting their upcoming offerings for the iPad. Wired Magazine is featured in a video that appears to have been produced by Adobe, highlighting how the magazine plans to use interactive advertising, social tools, and a very paper-like user interface to bring the Wired experience to tablet devices. The second video is from ViVmag, an online woman's magazine touted as "the first interactive all-digital luxury magazine for women." The VIVmag video shows how the magazine plans to use dramatic animation to move between elements in a story. Both videos give you a taste of what we might expect to see starting shortly after April 3rd. Click the Read More link to view the videos, and let us know iif you've already given up paper-based magazines or if you'll still need your paper copy of Popular Mechanics for bathroom reading material.