

  • Samuel L. Jackson voices the objectively best announcer pack for Heroes of Newerth

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    You're going to play Heroes of Newerth now. It's the best game of its type, and that's simple fact. No, stop going on about balance or game mechanics or anything else in the world. Heroes of Newerth has an announcer pack in which all of the clips are voiced by Samuel L. Jackson, and if you think there's any other reason to play or not play a game, it's time for you to step back and re-evaluate your life choices to date. Jackson's announcements are... well, pretty much exactly what you'd expect from the terms "Samuel L. Jackson announcer pack." You can check them out past the break, although we should warn you that if your workplace or home has an issue with shouted profanity, you might want to turn down the volume. For everyone else, click past the break and enjoy the new pack.

  • The MMO Report: GW2 field trip edition

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    This week on The MMO Report, Casey treks to Burbank, California, to check out Guild Wars 2's voice-acting studio and interview ArenaNet lead writer Bobby Stein. Stein tells the crew that his team has been working on GW2's voice-overs for three years, resulting in approximately 70 or 80 times the amount of voice work for Guild Wars 1's final installment, Eye of the North. Casey also interviews a trio of women portraying female Charr characters, but it just wouldn't be an MMO Report field trip if Casey hadn't given the voice acting a try himself. Rising to such stage directions as "he's a cat" and "now try it drunk," Casey receives a hard-earned standing ovation from the sound booth. All this and more in the MMO Report video tucked behind the break!

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: Sylvari week wrap-up

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Guild Wars 2 Sylvari week is over, much to the relief of abused F5 keys everywhere. We've finally seen the redesign, we've read the lore, we've gotten more details about the culture, we've watched new videos, and best of all, we've talked the subject to death. Now that it's all over and we've had a chance to process the infodump, it's time for my standard post-race-week Flameseeker Chronicles analysis. Follow along after the jump, where I'll recap a few of the high points of Sylvari week.

  • Newest ArenaNet blog post introduces Guild Wars 2 audio

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Today's ArenaNet blog post continues Human Week for Guild Wars 2 -- a week-long look at the human race of Tyria. Guild Wars 2 writer John Ryan penned "Against the Wall" focusing on the race's history. What made this entry special, however, were the six audio clips scattered throughout the post. Each facet of human history was supplemented with voice work to illustrate what we'll hear in Guild Wars 2, giving us over five minutes of audio as a little taste of what's to come during gameplay. Check out the history and audio of the Guild Wars 2 human race, and watch for next Monday's Flameseeker Chronicles as we do a full analysis of Human Week.