

  • When gold farmers attack!

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    There you are zipping around Paragon City looking for a criminal skull or two to bust when suddenly a "hero" (or villain if you're playing CoV) named "jlaksjdflakd" clad in pink spandex and green skin suddenly pops into your peripheral. No, it's not a small childlike noob entering the city for the first time. It's something far, far worse. It's... the attack of the bottom feeding, scum sucking gold farmer!!We've all had similar experiences. No MMO is immune to these ne'er-do-wells. But the CoX universe has remained relatively unscathed. Until now. Thankfully, gamers don't have to take this laying down... and neither do the developers. In fact, they're fighting back. W00t Studios head honcho Jester just began a recurring feature called The Fight Against Spam. The series will highlight the valiant efforts of various game developers as they fight the good fight against the nefarious Real Money Traders (RMT).This first entry highlights what NCsoft has done to hinder spammers in CoX. Several months ago they implemented the "/ignore_spammer" command which lets players ignore (and automatically report to the GM's) a would be trouble maker. Once several reports against the same account are logged, they're banned. The tide of battle seems to have swung in their favor, but the supergroup at NCsoft isn't resting on their laurels. As of yesterday the in-game mail system has been drastically restricted. Now players under level 12 no longer have mail privileges, forcing these malevolent miscreants to their knees by making them do some leveling work of their own. Granted, it may only slow them down... but it's a giant step in the right direction.

  • Rumor: New STO developers being Cryptic

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Word has come down the wires from Jester at w00tstudios that Cryptic is the as-yet-unnamed developer in the Bay Area who have taken on the Star Trek Online title from Perpetual Studios. Now, admittedly we can't confirm this, as Cryptic decided to enter "radio" silence some time back in the intent of working on some new projects. That said, after looking around, we found only a handful of MMO developers in that area that we thought could likely pull it off: Cryptic Studios -- Possible. They brought us City of Heroes and City of Villains, so you could argue that they've done sci-fi already. Also, with the cash they landed in selling the CoX properties to NCsoft, they could certainly afford to snag the license. Of course, there is that troubling thing about MUO being MIA. (And the nasty rumors saying we won't likely ever see it.) Linden Lab -- Extremely unlikely -- and you can stop laughing now. There again, we have to admit, Mudd's Women and the Orion slave girls would fit in splendidly on-grid. NCsoft North -- Possible. They've got the money, and the only thing we've heard for sure out of that office was ongoing CoX development. The job listings look interesting, too. EA -- They've bought up some MMO companies. That would be a cherry IP to land to go with them. It might actually be a good game, too. Of course, that's assuming they'd give it enough time to be developed properly. Most of their job listings are for Sims, though. We'll remain cautiously optimistic, as Cryptic is definitely a company with great vision and style. Hopefully they'll opt to break their self-imposed silence and let us know if they did indeed pick up Star Trek Online. Until then, we're still keeping our fingers crossed that the eventual developers remember that we really really want to be able to play as a Klingon. Q'apla![Thanks, Jester!]

  • 38 Studios reveals: Copernicus

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    w00t Studios is reporting that Curt Schilling of 38 Studios has released the title for their upcoming MMO. In an interview with Gametap at the Consumer Electronics Show going on in Vegas, Schilling said that Copernicus is a "working title" but revealed no other information regarding the game.Given what very little we've seen from a previous news clip - possibly a knight atop a running horse - shown late last year, we can surmise that the game is going to be set in some ancient medieval era. 38 Studios' game Copernicus may or may not be associated with the Nicolaus Copernicus who lived from 1473 to 1543. Copernicus was the first astronomer to postulate that the sun was the center of the solar system and not the Earth, which had been the belief for centuries. His book, On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres, is regarded as the work that started modern astronomy and was pivotal to the beginning of the Scientific Revolution.Or it might have absolutely nothing to do with the famous scientist at all. It's common knowledge that Schilling is a huge Everquest and WoW player, and during the Gametap interview the famed Red Sox pitcher admitted that he's been playing a lot of my current favorite, Tabula Rasa. So... what do you all think?