

  • Star Wars: The Old Republic video compiles all in-game footage to date

    James Egan
    James Egan

    It's probably not much an exaggeration to say that Star Wars: The Old Republic is one of the most hotly anticipated MMOs slated for release in the not-too-distant future. (At least if our traffic related to The Old Republic is any indication.) While the E3 2009 trailer was absolutely stunning the real question is, what will the actual game look like? An impressive trailer means very little if a game doesn't meet expectations. We've seen bits and pieces of SWTOR gameplay over the past few months, but the guys over at Wandering Goblin came across a compilation of pretty much all of the released in-game footage to date. A fan named "xxHIMxx" compiled it all, and is definitely worth a look for anyone interested in the game, showing off some of the scenery and combat mechanics to be found in Star Wars: The Old Republic. We've got a video embed for you after the jump:

  • 70 Orc Hunter running for Connecticut legislature

    Natalie Mootz
    Natalie Mootz

    More politicians are coming out of the WoW closet. Jeanne Stevens is a WoW player -- with a 70 Orc Hunter, a 58 Troll Shaman, and a 53 Blood Elf Rogue -- and a Republican running for the Connecticut state legislature. And she freely admits it in a new interview with Wandering Goblin, as covered by our sister site, Massively. Her hunter is balanced between marksman and survival, her shaman specs elemental (close to my heart!), and her rogue climbs the assassination talent tree. Will she be able to master the beasts in her political race? (Okay, you go ahead and insert your own shaman or rogue wordplay here.) Maybe she'll hold some in-game speeches or rallies. She could hold forth on top of Orgrimmar's bank, or maybe lead a raid to Stormwind as a metaphor.Is it surprising that a Republican chooses Horde? I think you could make a case for either faction going with either political party. Personally, I love to see that she's middle-aged and a woman, which defies Blizzard's assumptions about the majority of WoW gamers. She also chooses pirates over ninjas. I'm not sure there's a political comment there, but I'm sure someone will show me the light.[Thanks to Wandering Goblin via Massively.]

  • Horse goes homicidal in Age of Conan

    James Egan
    James Egan

    Funcom went to some lengths to make Age of Conan's horses seem realistic. The game's mounted combat system even makes it possible to use a horse as a weapon. But despite all the thought they put into this aspect of the game, Funcom probably didn't predict that a rather devious AoC player could use his horse to take out opponents as depicted in this video. Check it out to see an entirely new type of mounted combat, and learn why you should never stand behind a horse. Via WanderingGoblin