

  • Remixing an Orgrimmar Guard transmogrification

    Dawn Moore
    Dawn Moore

    Two weeks ago, we took the Stormwind Guard on a shopping trip and got them a whole new wardrobe. This week, we're giving the Orgrimmar Guard the same treatment and then stopping at Gallywix Pleasure Palace on the way back for mai tais. When I first started planning a new look for the Orgrimmar Guard, I thought I'd look to Garrosh Hellscream for inspiration. Both his outfits in Wrath of the Lich King at Warsong Hold and now in Cataclysm as the new warchief show off a darker look to the Horde that I wanted to capture. Walking through the streets of Orgrimmar these days, you see a city that has become more militaristic and uniform, and the old guard outfit doesn't quite fit in anymore. Even the Horde banners are a darker red than they once were, which doesn't match the red shoulders and accents of the old guards.

  • Finding your Wrath profession trainers

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    One of the first things on your mind after stepping into Northrend will undoubtedly be the most convenient location of your profession trainers. You gatherers are going to need the know-how to start hoarding items for fun and profit, and craftspeople will want to see what new items can soon be constructed. Besides, you won't want to be left behind in the server-wide race to the new level cap, 450.This information might affect which starting zone you choose to explore first, so pass through the break to see what stops you should be making before you venture out to quest and conquer.

  • WoW Insider previews Wrath of the Lich King's Borean Tundra

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Continuing the series of zone previews we began with the Howling Fjord and the Dragonblight, we now present you with the Borean Tundra. The Borean Tundra is one of two starter zones in Wrath of the Lich King (the other being the Fjord) and is accessed via the Stormwind Harbor for the Alliance, and the Orgrimmar zeppelin tower for the Horde.Personally, most of this zone is my least favorite aesthetically with the exception of the Coldarra (above). The visuals are alright in those zone, but it's really carried by strong quests and stories. Still, that doesn't mean it's an ugly zone, certainly not. The others simply set the bar really high, and I still strongly recommend checking out the gallery if you don't mind being spoiled a little bit. Speaking of spoilers, there are a couple of story spoilers in this gallery but they're very minor. None of the massive, epic questlines are spoiled in this gallery. Especially not the one where you go to-%Gallery-29398%