

  • The world is safe: Twilight MMO not a confirmed project

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    var digg_url = 'http://digg.com/gaming_news/The_world_is_safe_Twilight_MMO_not_a_confirmed_project'; Thanks to some astute Joystiq commenters and a MySpace photo of a newspaper article, it seems we might all breathe a collective sigh of relief. The Twilight MMO isn't an official, confirmed project as of yet. The current Twilight: The Video Game is being created by Brandon Gardner, a student of game design from Blountstown, Florida. BrainJunk Studios currently consists of a volunteer staff, all working together on the concept of a Twilight game. Currently, Gardner is still studying with Westwood College Online, seeking out a bachelor's degree in game design as he works on his pet project. So, in conclusion, we're all temporarily spared... at least for the time being.

  • There's a... er... Twilight MMO coming...

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    var digg_url = 'http://digg.com/gaming_news/Twilight_MMO_on_the_way_ummm_sure'; Because absolutely no license goes unturned these days, we've gotten word that there will, indeed, be a Twilight MMO.Details are pretty sketchy right now on what exactly this whole experience will entail. It will be a virtual world where you get to play as either a human, vampire, or werewolf -- that much is pretty known. The game will also be an open, non-linear world set around the town of Forks, Washington, that will let the player roam freely.Of note is the functionality of the game's journal, which is said to work not only like a novel, but also as a way to teleport back and forth through time to experience the events written inside of it.The game is still early in-development, so we'll keep an eye on it for you as more information is released. Now where's our Harry Potter MMO, hmmm? We want a wizarding war!Update: Apparently, this MMO isn't as official as it seems.[Via Twilight Source]

  • Wannabe werewolves featured in Lorebook

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    North of the land once known as Arnor (the setting for The Lord of the Rings Online), there is an icy wasteland called Forochel. That grave place is inhabited by savage men who have mostly tended to their own wars and concerns, and who do not participate in the affairs of Middle-earth, except to occasionally sweep south and plunder.Some of those cruel men inhabit Dol Haedir -- a landmark Turbine created in northern Evendim, and the subject of the newest official Lorebook entry. According to the entry, the men of Dol Haedir are savage cannibals called the Gauredain.One of the cool things about Turbine's aspirations of authenticity is its careful use of Tolkien's languages even for newly invented peoples and places. The Sindarin "Gauredain" translates roughly to "Werewolf Men." These guys certainly look the part ... and act it too, what with the eating human flesh and all.