

  • About the Bloggers: Adam Holisky

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    Welcome to the return of WoW Insider's About the Bloggers series. Once a week for the next few months we'll be profiling one of our bloggers. We originally ran this series over three years ago, and while some of the staff is still around (like yours truly), there's lots of fresh new faces here and people to meet. What do you do for WoW Insider? I'm a senior editor here at the site, and that means I do a bit of everything. Writing wise, I'm part of the team that does our daily question and answer column, The Queue (I usually take the Tuesday and Thursday editions). I also take care of the production, posting, and backend work on our two podcasts: The WoW Insider Show and the Weekly News Update. There's a lot of management and editorial direction stuff that I do behind the scenes, but that's boring to most folks, so I won't go into it. What's your main?