

  • Mists of Pandaria beta achievements

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    MMO-Champion majordomo Boubouille wasted no time at all datamining the recently released Mists of Pandaria beta client and has made available many of the achievements players will be able to gain in the next expansion. Here are some of our favorites: Wild Side Take a ride with Armsmaster Harlan's Blades of Light for at least 10 seconds and live to tell the tale on heroic difficulty. Armsmaster Harlan is the replacement boss for the Scarlet Champion Herod. Harlan is two times as awesome as Herod because he has two shoulders and a Firelands warrior hat. Don't mess -- he means business. This dungeon boss mechanic just sounds like fun, and heroic Scarlet Monastery just excites me way too much.