

  • The Road to Mordor: Ten thoughts on LotRO's 2015 plans

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    This year I'm breaking my long-running tradition of posting a "wish list" for Lord of the Rings Online at the beginning of the new year. This is partially because I'll be in danger of repeating the same old items that I've been yammering on about for quite some time now, and partially because Turbine was on the ball and released a producer's letter this past week that lays out some of the year's plans (by contrast, last year the studio waited until the end of February to do the same). Tradition be hanged! Let's adapt with the events and spend some time evaluating the information we've been given! There's a lot going on in and around this producer's letter, so here are 10 thoughts that I'm taking away from all of this in regard to LotRO's future.

  • Apple wish list: Show battery percentage on the iPod touch

    Victor Agreda Jr
    Victor Agreda Jr

    Sometimes it seems like Apple moves in mysterious ways. Most of the time I can chalk up decisions made in Cupertino to one of two things: Making life easier/simpler or "engineering difficulties." The iPod touch is Apple's gateway to iOS for those who can't or won't get an iPhone. It's great for kids, for example, or anyone who doesn't need the phone and 4G networking capabilities of the iPhone, but still wants the small form factor. So I'm puzzled as to why Settings (on the latest iteration of the iPod touch running iOS 7) won't allow us to show battery percentages, as you can on the iPhone and iPad. All I know is this is driving my son crazy, as he knows enough about batteries to know when to worry about the percent (and he knows it isn't an exact science), but prefers a number to a nebulous graphic. Maybe it's OCD or whatever, but the decision to exclude this feature seems to be simplicity for simplicity's sake. I'm hoping a future iOS update adds the feature to the iPod touch.

  • The Road to Mordor: My 2014 wish list for LotRO

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    A lot of us Massively writers like to take the first column of the new year to lay out a wish list for our favorite MMOs. Of course, the other writers are total copycats because I've been doing this for years now and I think that they owe me royalties. Lord of the Rings Online faces a challenging year in 2014. We already know that it's going to be an expansion-free year with a different focus on development. In April, the game will be seven years old, which certainly puts it into middle-age in MMO years. And with some uncertainty over the future of the game's IP rights, some disgruntlement over the store and aging character models, and no word as to how populated or profitable LotRO is, it's made a few folks nervous. But it could be a tremendous year as well, full of possibilities for Turbine to make good choices. I'm still as in love with this game world as ever. I wouldn't be playing LotRO if I didn't find tremendous fun and value in it, and I have hope that 2014 will see the game get its second wind and strengthen as a whole. So without further ado, here is my wish list from last year to see what was fulfilled and what was denied, along with my 2014 wish list for features and changes that I'd like to see.

  • My Warlords of Draenor Wish List

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    It should be noted that these are not features that have been announced, nor even speculated about or teased to my knowledge - if they have, I missed them somehow. It's possible. I'm human, I miss things. But I was thinking about the features announced for Warlords of Draenor (including recent announcements that blood elves and draenei will be among the races who get new models) and I realized that there's all sorts of things I'd like to see that haven't even been mentioned yet, and while I don't expect they'll happen, I might as well share them with you in the hopes that they may end up arriving at some point down the road. After all, transmog and LFR happened in the middle of an expansion, and they both worked out pretty well. So here we go. Level scaling This is one I've wanted for a while. With flexible raiding now a reality, I'm drawn back to the idea of being able to scale your level down to run older content with friends, something the late, lamented City of Heroes had (called mentoring/sidekicking in that game). We've been teased with this potentially existing as recently as October of 2013 and whether or not it was a hoax then (I personally have no idea) it's something I've wanted for years. Sure, it's fun to bring your level 90 to an old dungeon and blow it up sometimes, but I want the option to step myself down and run it at an appropriate level in appropriate gear if I so choose. I'd also like to be able to boost a friend up to my level so that we can run stuff together, although I suspect the free level 90 boost is aimed at handling this same problem. Basically, anything that lets friends do more stuff together, I'm down for. And speaking of that...

  • Chaos Theory: My modest Secret World wish list

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    I'm not a greedy man. At least, I like to think I'm not. I try hard to be content with what I have, including the bounty of gaming options before me. And when it comes to The Secret World, I find that I have plenty to be thankful for. I have a wonderful cabal that gathers together once a week for a riotous good time. I'm still in love with TSW's atmosphere and story well over a year after its launch. I adore the game's wardrobe options and can't stop playing dress-up with my Templar. I find the intellectual aspects of the missions and builds stimulating. I even get to write about all of this right here on Massively. So don't take the following wish list as a lack of contentment. I'm really happy with the game as it is, but as with any gamer, there are always desires and wants that rise unbidden into my consciousness while I play. I recognize that Funcom has its hands very full as it tries to create as much content as it can with a reduced team, but that's not going to stop me today from wishing out loud for a few quality of life improvements for 2014.

  • Captain's Log: A Star Trek Online 2014 wish list

    Terilynn Shull
    Terilynn Shull

    We're coming up on 2014 and staring Star Trek Online's fourth anniversary right in the face. It's an anniversary that many naysayers said would never come. Next week I plan on taking a look back at the past year in Star Trek Online, so this week I thought it would be fun to prognosticate on what we might see in the year to come. A few days ago, STO Community Manager Brandon Felczer wrote a blog post on the game's site, and buried within that post was the announcement that Cryptic and Perfect World Entertainment have slated another expansion for the game in 2014. The news was actually a bit surprising, and although there were no additional facts about what the expansion might entail, there has been a lot of speculation by the players. I am no exception to the speculation frenzy, so here's my own personal wish list for what I'd like to see in the upcoming expansion and other releases in 2014.

  • Your Facebook friends can now see your Amazon reviews, if you want them to

    Matt Brian
    Matt Brian

    Amazon's connection with Facebook is about to go from "it's complicated" to "in a relationship." In a bid to make its listings more social, the online retail giant has begun contacting customers to notify them that it will soon start showing product reviews and "wishes" from their Facebook friends. If you're browsing Amazon's Chromecast listing, for example, the company will let you know if any of your Facebook connections have either reviewed the $35 streaming dongle or are not-so-secretly indicating for someone to buy it for them. It's not the first time the retailer has leant on Facebook's Social Graph: earlier this year it launched Birthday Gift to help you buy your Facebook friends something nice and let others contribute. Amazon's new feature lets you opt-in on its Social Settings page, and will only display your Wish List items if you decide. Just remember that before writing that glowing review of the latest Nickleback album.

  • Totem Talk: Resto shaman wish list

    Joe Perez
    Joe Perez

    Every week, WoW Insider brings you Totem Talk for elemental, enhancement and restoration shaman. Want to be a sultan of swing healing? A champion of Chain Heal? Totem Talk: Restoration, brought to you by Joe Perez (otherwise known as Lodur from World of Matticus and content creation at InternetDragons.TV), shows you how. Last time we spoke about the recent changes to shaman healing. We received a nice little buff in a hot patch to our Healing Rain, Chain Heal and Earthliving. The 20% increase was a quality of life improvement that did actually go a decent ways towards improving our overall healing. While I enjoy pretty much any buff we get, I still can't help but sometimes just sit down and take a look at where we are in regards to other healers. Basically, I like to sit down and pose the question to other restoration shaman and myself. What is the one thing that you would like to see shaman healers get? What is it that you wish you could do as a shaman healer that you can't currently do? It's a great exercise in creative thinking, or even just taking a look at your own class, and can lead to some very interesting conversations and ideas when shared with other healers like I enjoy on Twitter.

  • A wish list for features in 5.2 or beyond

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    I'm greedy. Oh, not in a monetary sense - I'm notoriously bad at even pretending to care about money - but whenever Blizzard puts out a cool new feature it immediately gets me thinking about other cool new features I'd like to see added to the game. I know, I know, I should be happy with what I have. But since I'm not, here comes a list of features I wish they'd add to World of Warcraft, be it in patch 5.2 or in some future patch. All of these are based purely on my selfish desires, and are in now way promised or even hinted at by Blizzard, so please don't start asking Blizzard why they haven't delivered on any of them. That would be like going to McDonald's and demanding that Bacon Sausage Egg McMuffin (with Canadian Bacon) that I dreamed up when I was 20. Seriously, how has that never actually been a thing? My cardiovascular health dodged a bullet there. The Revenge for Southshore battleground/World PvP hub Seriously, how is it this hasn't happened yet? It seems like a natural to me. While the World PvP might be a bit too disruptive to leveling characters (relatively easily fixed with a phasing change, but it might be better to just make it a battleground up front) the actual idea seems simple enough - Alliance landing craft disgorge a massive force on the beaches south of the ruined Southshore and begin their push north. As players, we either defend Tarren Mill, or take part in the drive for revenge northward. Victory is achieved by claiming a series of important strategic points and then taking the other faction's starting zone and successfully destroying it. Perhaps it's just nostalgia for all the times we ran into Tarren Mill back in the day only to discover we couldn't really do anything, but I'd love to finally set it on fire.

  • The Road to Mordor: Looking back and looking forward

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    As long-time readers of this column know, this is about the time when I reflect on my personal wish list that I made for the previous year while making a new list for the upcoming one. After all, you can't go on an adventure without a long list or two organizing everything! On the whole, 2012 was a pretty great year for Lord of the Rings Online. The expansion into Rohan, mounted combat, and the addition of a great new soundtrack added so much to the game, giving us a spectacular high-level zone that's full of lore and amazing setpieces. The devs have been smoothing out the middle of the game with a Moria revamp, open tapping, and remote looting, which should make leveling that much better. Players had four sizable updates to consume. Even Mac users had something to cheer as Turbine created a client for the platform. Of course, it wasn't all peaches and cream. The expansion faced a delay, the pricing and features of Riders of Rohan stoked controversy, and we're still waiting for the second half of the promised instance cluster to arrive. The store kept stepping on people's toes, from the barter wallet to the infamous hobby horse. And the new festival, the Farmer's Faire, was kind of a dud. So let's see whether LotRO fulfilled any of my wishes from last year, and then I'll share my desires for 2013!

  • Enter at Your Own Rift: My 2013 wish list

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    The end of the year and the beginning of a new one is the traditional time to take stock of the past and make plans for the future, no? I thought RIFT had a banner year, especially in pushing out a great expansion less than two years after launch. Trion Worlds has continued to get those meaty content updates out, fleshing out the now-annual celebrations and growing the game in new and often-surprising ways. Really, we have such a wealth of options and content on which to feast, so you'll really have to excuse me as I ignore everything the studio's done to date and talk about what I'd like to see done, changed, or added in the new year. Yup, it's time for a RIFT wish list in this Fae Yule season, straight from my fingers to Santa Crucia's home at the Death Pole!

  • Wings Over Atreia: My grown-up Solorius list

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    The strains of festive music wafting about Santum and Pandamonium. The glow of twinkling lights adorning the trees. The chatter of Shugos wearing red velvet robes and hats. Yes folks, it's that time of year again: It's Solorius in Aion! And you know what that means... OK, besides a festival filled with holiday-themed goodies. It means it's time for the annual Solorius wish list! And this year the venerable list is combined with another annual tradition: the Solorius medley. You may notice that this season's list is actually more modest compared to those from years of yore. It's not that I don't want to see a plethora of goodies injected into the wonderful world of Aion. On the contrary! But we already know of many things coming our way in 4.0, and I don't want to distract the devs from getting them out to us quickly. And besides, those previous lists have been whittled down as wishes have been granted. Don't believe me? See for yourself. Then be sure to add anything else you want to see in Atreia to the list.

  • The Daily Grind: What's on your MMO gift wish list?

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    With the holiday season in full swing, plenty of birthdays going on, Wookiee Life Day approaching, and the apocalypse looming over it all, it's definitely a time to be giving and getting lots of presents. As members of a particular and peculiar subset of gamers, it stands to reason that our gift desires might be a tad different than those of Muggles. So what's on your MMO gift wish list this month? Is there a game that you'd love to find in your stocking? Have you had your eye on a particular cash shop item -- and dropped enough hints to your friends that this is your heart's desire? Would you love to get MMO-themed clothes, toys, or other physical objects to show off your hobby to the world? Lay it on us: What does your wish list look like? While Massively writers might not be so rich as to get you everything on your list, you never know when a secret admirer might be reading the comments looking for ideas to make your day. Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • Nielsen reports that iPad is most wanted this holiday season

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Nielsen has released its annual report on which electronic goodies consumers in various age groups are looking for this Thanksgiving. Once again, Apple products are claiming most of the top of the list. Kids in the US aged 6-12 are looking for an iPad as the number one item under their holiday tree this year, and while that's followed by Nintendo's new Wii U system, Apple's iPod touch, iPad mini, and the iPhone fill out the rest of the top five spots. At the very bottom of the list, the Apple TV makes an appearance, too. That's not a device I would expect kids that young to ask for, but apparently so. On the older side, in persons 13 and up, iPad also tops the list of items that are most expected to be purchased in the next six months. Tablet computers and e-readers are also sitting near the top of that list, and since the iPad is the most popular of those (with 21 percent of people expecting to buy it soon), it's not too surprising to see Apple's slate in high demand. The iPhone is also high near the top of that list. It's perhaps also interesting to note that the rest of the list is full of gaming devices like the Nintendo 3DS, PS Vita and the major gaming consoles. Considering that the iPad and the iPhone provide a strong mobile gaming experience and the widest ecosystem of game apps out there, that's an interesting perspective on what people are willing to spend big ticket money on lately. Finally, the Apple TV makes an appearance on the adults' list as well. I think 2013 will be a very interesting year for that device -- if Apple can bring its popular App Store to a non-mobile device, starting with the Apple TV, the core functionality of that little black box may be very different in a year's time. [via 9to5Mac]

  • Latest Google Play store update rolling out now, wishlists in tow

    Steve Dent
    Steve Dent

    If you're indecisive about that pricey but hard-to-find new app, Google Play will now be offering another option in its store -- you can put it aside in a wishlist until you make up your mind. That new feature (which was espied in recent teardowns) is hitting devices now on a per-account basis, and if you have it (version 3.9.16) you'll notice a bookmark icon near the top right of the screen when you load up an app page. When you tap that icon, the software will be added to your wishlist, which can be scoped from the menu button with the "My Wishlist" setting, saving you the trouble of searching it out later. Depending on your Android device's settings, you may already have it or were notified of its availability -- if so, happy shopping.

  • Google Play Store gets good cop / bad cop APK update, will add wish lists and malware scanner

    Steve Dent
    Steve Dent

    A recent scan by Android Police through the latest Google 3.9.16 APK for its Play Store has revealed that wish lists are coming along very well, thank you, and that Mountain View will likely introduce a malware scanner soon too. The latter hasn't appeared on our radar before, and it looks like the search giant will soon be able to scope all the apps you've already installed and also bar the door to any suspicious-looking software before it can sully your smartphone or slate, unless you specifically request otherwise. So, perhaps you'll feel a bit safer once the Google Play portal is being watched from both sides.

  • Wings Over Atreia: Speculation continues for Aion 4.0

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Last week, I dared venture into the realms of speculation about Aion's future, spurred by the announcement regarding update 4.0. Are my musings simply wishful thinking? Perhaps. But you can't blame me -- NCsoft started it! Until that point, I hadn't really given much thought to the next big thing. After all, we haven't even seen patch 3.5 yet (more on that next week), and I personally haven't finished the latest content. However, update information is like cheesecake bites: One morsel just doesn't cut it. You want more! So now that the floodgates of Aion 4.0 conjecture have opened, what else might come into the world of Atreia besides the three new classes? In the absence of official word, I have created my own list of features. And topping that list are a few things we have actually seen before; in my opinion, NCsoft should get to cranking out more of the content teased back in 2009 in the famed Visions of the Future trailer. It's time to start delivering on more of those promises made to Aion players so long ago. That means two-person mounts, more regional season changes, and the chance to boldly go where no Deava has gone before:

  • Updated Google Play app reveals gift card support, wish list coming soon?

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    If the images and link settings Android Police has dug up from the most recent (v3.8.15) Google Play APK that's rolling out are correct, we could see a coupe more features coming to the Android app and media store soon. First up are very fleshed out menus for the redemption of Play Store gift cards, perfect for users that aren't enthused about putting their credit card info out there and would rather purchase a few bucks prepaid and then spend them as they will. Also contained within the APK but not activated or accessible by default is some sort of wish list functionality. Hit the source link for all the images and screens that have been found so far, well have to wait and see when these pop up in a future updated or get activated later on. [Thanks, Cullen]

  • The Road to Mordor: Wish lists, past and future

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Hobbits love making lists, don't they? In The Fellowship of the Ring, Bilbo had a lengthy list of friends and relatives to invite to his eleventy-first birthday party, and he didn't have the luxury of Facebook to help him out. I love lists as well, although I try to save most of that for my Perfect Ten column. At the beginning of the year, I sat down and drafted up a "wish list" for Lord of the Rings Online's 2011 year, populating it with 11 changes and additions I was hoping to see by now. To my surprise, Turbine actually pulled off quite a few items on the list, and I thought it'd be a good idea to go back and examine which of my goals the team met and which remain elusive. Also, since 2012 kicks off tomorrow, I'll look forward as well and draft up a dozen -- yes, one more over the year before -- wish list items that I'd love to see come true in the new year. It's my column; I can cry if I want to, after all. Let's get this party started!

  • Wings Over Atreia: The twelve days of Solorius

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Aren't I thoughtful? As my present to you, I am going to help banish those Solorius tunes that got stuck in your head a couple of weeks ago. How shall I accomplish this? No, not with a home-delivery amateur lobotomy or a plethora of psychotropics (though these could alternately be helpful I concede) but by replacing them of course! Yes, let's round out the season with a rousing rendition of The Twelve Days of Solorius. Last year, I shared my first ever Aion holiday wish list. Although nothing from that hopeful list was granted in 2011, there is promise of at least two of those items being introduced to Atreia next year! So while some may have considered my brazen declarations of wants an exercise in futility, I shan't abandon hope! After all, what is a holiday season without hope? Is there a little something special you'd like to see in Aion? Make your list then check mine twice past the cut.