

  • Mojipittan DLC: You know, for kids!

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    We're glad to see Namco Bandai continuing to support the WiiWare version of Word Puzzle Mojipittan three months after its launch-day release. They've released another pack of new downloadable puzzles, this time aimed at children. The "Kantan Kids' Stage" (Simple Kids' Stage) pack features cutely-designed stages shaped like frogs, ladybugs, cats, and more, intended for elementary school kids. Like the last DLC, the new Mojipittan puzzles are priced to move at 200 Wii Points. Even with the 1,000 Points required to purchase the base game, the price isn't bad for quality educational gaming that happens to be conveniently downloadable. It also seems handy for beginning Japanese readers who happen to have Japanese Wiis.

  • First Mojipittan DLC spells 'money' for Namco Bandai

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    The WiiWare version of Namco Bandai's popular, impossible-to-localize puzzle game Kotoba no Puzzle Mojipittan (Word Puzzle Mojipittan) got its first add-on pack today. For 200 Wii Points, an additional 30 puzzles, along with new background music for those puzzles, can be downloaded from the Wii Shop, which actually doesn't seem like such a bad deal. The stages in the pack range from easy enough for children to "Ultra Hard," and have themes like "Countries of the World" and "Sweets." We aren't sure how themes in Mojipittan work -- spelling words in just the appropriate themes seems like it would be pretty hard!

  • Fanswag: win Word Puzzle for XBLA [update]

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    [Update: The contest is now closed and our winner has been chosen. Congratulations, RudyHuxtable! Enjoy your puzzling!]We've got a little extra fanswag this week, kiddies, and we're giving it away with impunity. The swag up for grabs is a download code for Word Puzzle, which is possibly the most self-explanatory title on Xbox Live Arcade. To win, all you have to do is: Leave a comment on this post. Be sure you only leave one comment. Posters of multiple comments will be disqualified. We'll accept entries until 5:00pm Eastern Time today. You must be at least 18 years old to enter. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only Later today, we'll pick one winner via a random drawing One winner will receive a download code for Word Puzzle, worth $10 Just to be clear, this is not this week's Fanswag Weekly giveaway. That will go up tomorrow as usual. If you're lucky enough, maybe you can while away the hours between now and then with a free copy of Word Puzzle.[This post was accidentally published in advance of its start time. If you managed to leave a comment early, please refrain from commenting again. Your original comment will still count as an entry.]

  • Word Puzzle hits XBLA, SwitchBall is hiding

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    It's Xbox Live Arcade Wednesday folks, and that means brand new gaming goodness to enjoy. This week under "New Arrivals" you will find the incredibly exciting and action packed Word Puzzle. What you will not find is Switchball. Don't fret though, Switchball is there, it's just not in new arrivals for some reason. We imagine Microsoft will fix this at some point, but for now you'll have to dig through the "Genres" or "All Arcade Downloads" section to find the game. You can find it under "Action Arcade" in the genres, or (more conveniently) under the letter "S" in all arcade downloads. We were upset before we discovered the games secret bunker, as it looks to be the more intriguing of this week's two titles (check out the video above if you don't believe us). Should you desire the full version of either game, they will run you 800 Microsoft bucks each.

  • This Wednesday: Switchball and Word Puzzle [verb] XBLA

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    It's hard to believe that the seemingly innocuous phrase, "having a ball," could be tinged with cruelty. You see, the life of a nondescript videogame ball is actually quite miserable, rife with surreal landscapes, tilting mazes and suspiciously long half-pipes that only lead to pointless goals. Sierra Online's graphically splendid Switchball only exacerbates this sad state of affairs, featuring a shiny sphere capable of changing its physical properties (to overcome puzzles!), but not its emotional state. If you spend 800 MS Points ($10) on it this Wednesday, consider how you'd feel if tears rolled down your cheek and up the back of your head. Hitting Xbox Live Arcade on the same day is Word Puzzle, a game that primarily deals with the useful thingamabobs that made this sentence possible. For 800 MS Points, you'll receive "intricate 3D boards," Vision camera support and the chance to use "exploding word bombs." Those should give the stereotypical Halo crowd a head start, at least.

  • Word Puzzle and Switchball XBLA bound

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Another XBLA twofer is headed our way this week with both Word Puzzle and Switchball making XBLA appearances this Wednesday, November 7th.Word Puzzle, the game's title pretty much says it all. Word Puzzle is an interactive word find that'll feature four player Xbox Live versus, two player local, Vision camera support and things called "word bombs" all for the gotta-try-the-trial-before-I-shell-out-the-cash price of 800 Microsoft points. Switchball is the second half of the XBLA twofer where, for 800 Microsoft points, you can navigate your ball through all kinds of 3D puzzles and mazes. The game includes two player local co-op, two player co-op over Live and eight player versus over Live. What more can be said ... balls will roll this Wednesday.