

  • Sharp's 30-screen display features world's thinnest bezel separation (video)

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    We've all been impressed by multiscreen setups before. Thing is, the bezel dividing the displays is always a distraction to the overall effect. Sharp's new LED backlit PN-V601 60-inch LCD monitor hopes to resolve this a bit with a 2.4-mm bezel width on the right-side and bottom and 4.1-mm bezel along the left-side and top. The result is a meager 6.5mm display separation when inserted into a 5x6 matrix of 30 adjoining LCDs as demonstrated above at the product launch. Check the impressive results in the video after the break, it's a little like watching the opening scene of The Dark Knight through razor-thin chickenwire. Ok, not really, but it's worth a look anyway.

  • Seagate's 7mm Momentus Thin 2.5-inch hard disk for slim, high-capacity laptops: a world's first

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    Any advancement in commercial storage is big news 'round here so we're stoked to learn of a new ultra-thin hard disk from Seagate meant to slake our jones for super-slim portable computing. Seems that Seagate's already sampling a 7-mm high disk as part of its Momentus Thin series of drives scheduled to be launched at CES in January. Impressive, especially when you consider that just about every 2.5-inch SATA disk we cover measures in at 9.5-mm high. Although Seagate doesn't give specifics, we assume the drive will be spinning a single platter. And knowing that dual-platter 2.5-inch disks currently max out at 640GB (or 320GB per platter), we expect Seagate to at least match that single-platter capacity, but probably improve upon it via a boost in areal density. Feel free to offer your guess in comments until all is revealed on January 5th.

  • Casio's XJ-S46: the "world's thinnest" 2,500 lumen projector

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    What's thinner than the average product waif? Why the latest Casio DLP projector of course... and little else. The 43-mm (1.7-inch) / 1.7-kg (3.7-pounds) XJ-S46 projector blasts 2,500 lumens for ¥268,000 (about $2,263). The XJ-S36 brings the same form factor but drops the brightness down to 2,000 lumens for ¥238,000 ($2,010). Both sport an 1800:1 contrast, XGA resolution, and a USB host jack for hot projection action sans PC. Also available for a bit less in XJ-S41 and XJ-S31 configurations without USB hosting.[Via Impress]