

  • The Daily Quest: We're watching you!

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    We here at are on a Daily Quest to bring you interesting, informative and entertaining WoW-related links from around the blogosphere. Tree of Life has a great post looking at Norse influences for Northrend. Highly recommend that folks take a moment and read it. In BlizzCon Blitz over at Mystic Chicanery lessons learned at BlizzCon are examined. Serennia at the World of Ming looks at The WoW "Stigma." Our sister site Massively is looking for more bloggers! is also looking for a Warlock Columnist. NCsoft contends the new MMO Aion will be second only to WoW in the US. Click here to submit a link to TDQ

  • The Daily Quest: Worgen, security, and charity

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    We here at are on a Daily Quest to bring you interesting, informative and entertaining WoW-related links from around the blogosphere. World of Ming interviews a Brother/Sister Gladiator pair! Be warned, a few drug references lie within. All Things Azeroth #122 was released this past week. This time around, the podcast covers WoW social networks, Worgen, and all of the recent expansion speculation. Lorecrafted has his own take on the Worgen/Goblin rumors. While not exactly a WoW link, we thought you might want to know about TheSpeedGamers. They're marathon gamers... for charity! They're already been going for over sixty hours. Head on over, cheer them on, and support their cause: ACT Today. GuildOx's admin has a new offering for everyone today: 10 easy steps to secure your WoW account. Click here to submit a link to TDQ

  • Ming tackles Patch 3.2's resilience change

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Despite his sometimes-crass way of getting his point across, Ming is one of the best PvP bloggers around these days. When the Patch 3.2 patch notes revealed the upcoming change to resilience, I was hoping to hear his take on it. He delivered! If you haven't seen the patch notes, Resilience in Patch 3.2 will lower incoming damage across the board in addition to its protection against critical strikes. By Ming's estimates, after all other factors have been taken into consideration, the change will bring a net difference of an added 10% damage reduction in the upcoming Season 7.That number probably doesn't seem like a lot to people who don't set foot into the arena at all, but for people who arena seriously and competitively, it will be a game changer. The developers' stated goal is to slow down the pace of the arena, and this change will do exactly that. An extra 10% buffer on survivability has the potential to absolutely be the difference between a one minute game and a five minute game. It has the potential to be the difference between a gib and a last second defensive save. As has been stated, it's possible to die in the span of one GCD, and that's not fun. If this change can extend one GCD to two or three GCDs to allow for reaction time, the arena just might end up more balanced than it has ever previously been, unless you pretend Mace Stun didn't exist in the middle seasons of The Burning Crusade.You really shouldn't take my word for it, though. I PvP, but I'd never claim to be a highly rated anything. There's a reason I was waiting for Ming's take on it. Go read what he has to say, and be bolstered by it. The arena might actually be truly fun again.

  • The Daily Quest: A podcast, eh?

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    We here at WoW Insider are on a Daily Quest to bring you interesting, informative and entertaining WoW-related links from around the blogosphere. Serennia discusses the 2v2 arena bracket. Would we be better off if they replaced it with a 4v4 bracket? Too Many Annas answers reader mail regarding a fairly widespread (in my experience) phenomenon: RPers griefing RPers that raid simply because they raid. Are you a Hunter? Are you a Hunter that hates Naxxramas as much as I do? The Hunter's Rhok shows you how to gear up for Ulduar without it! Episode #115 of All Things Azeroth has been released. This week it features an interview with Cadistra of WoW, Eh? along with a whole load of other topics. Those of you using our profile system... we want your blogs! Have you written something that you think is worth being featured on The Daily Quest? Have you discovered another good blog here on Send them in using the link below! No, this doesn't mean we're going to stop linking to other sites, so don't worry! We have enough love to go around. Click here to submit a link to TDQ

  • The Daily Quest: Of old gods and old comps

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    We here at WoW Insider are on a Daily Quest to bring you interesting, informative and entertaining WoW-related links from around the blogosphere. It's not a blog, it's not a vlog, it's not a podcast, but it's still worth a mention: Irae AoD, a European guild, scored the world first for the achievement One Light in the Darkness, defeating Yogg-Saron with the assistance of only one Keeper. The video is embedded above, but if you want the Yogg-Saron encounter completely unspoiled for you when you get there, you might want to avoid watching it. Flasks have never been more convenient than they are in Wrath of the Lich King, and the addition of Feasts has made raid consumables even easier to acquire. Bellwether of 4haelz is a little torn on them, though. Everyone loves to tinker with their UI, right? is pretty happy with their compilation, and has shared it with the rest of the world. Boomkin, you might want to take a look. Ming gets back into the oft-neglected 5v5 arena bracket, giving the old school Euro Comp another go. Shields Up! continues their guide to Tier 8 Best in Slot gear for Resto Shaman. Click here to submit a link to TDQ

  • The Daily Quest: Monkeeing around

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    We here at WoW Insider are on a Daily Quest to bring you interesting, informative and entertaining WoW-related links from around the blogosphere.Sometimes Monkeeing around is not the right thing to do. Obvious things you should not do while applying to a new guild at Diaries of a Marksman Hunter Rawrbitchrawr goes Backpacking around Azeroth World of Ming asks is there a reason to raid anymore for arenas? BlizzPlanet will be having a BlizzCon ticket give-away next week Click here to submit a link to TDQ

  • Korean team H O N takes the trophy at ESL's Global Arena Tournament

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    The Electronic Sports League's Intel Extreme Masters Global tournament has ended, and Korean team H O N have come out on top. And according to World of Ming, they completely impressed every player at the tournament -- while they were one of four teams taking the Rogue/Mage/Priest combination to the upper brackets, they apparently played that comp in a way that just rolled on through any competitors (including having their mage, Orangemarmalade, apparently keeping a match alive even after his teammates dropped). Everyone's expecting the RMP domination by the time the next Arena season rolls around, but for now, RMP is where it's at in professional arenas.Unfortunately for us Americans, the US teams didn't put on much of a showing -- they dropped out quick, and WoM reports that their behavior after the losses was less than classy. They apparently blamed a teammate for dropping out, and it doesn't help that, unlike the Korean teams who have played the same classes and characters for a long time, the Americans apparently came up with their teams and tactics only recently. Looks like they'll have to do a little reforming and rebuilding before this year's BlizzCon.Congrats to all the teams who walked away with victories in the ESL's Arena tournament. Even from Ming's commentary, it sounds like it was an exciting few days for Arena players.

  • Electronic Sports League's Intel Extreme Masters going on this weekend

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    We haven't been paying much attention to the big Electronic Sports League WoW Arena tournament going on over in Europe this week, but World of Ming has been doing a great job covering the event and what's been happening over there. He's got predictions of the matches to come (ESL's site has all of the fights set up for this weekend), and a translated interview with a player from SK Gaming's Korean team.All in all, the old RMP (Rogue-Mage-Priest) combination still seems to be the team to beat, as Ming has most of his predictions headed that way. But we'll see how it all pans out -- you can watch live results from the tournament come in on ESL's website all weekend, and we'll try to have a wrapup for you here when all is said and done.