

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Takeover edition

    Kelly Aarons
    Kelly Aarons

    Unfortunately, Amanda has become of a victim of the mob 'Terrible Wifi,' so I'm running this joint from now on! Ha! Well, not really. Mostly until she comes back. But for now, enjoy some comics! Beyond the Tree: Broken Toy. Tales From the Crossroad: Don't Mince Words... Equinox vs The Obnoxious Alliance. Coffin Comics: Bring Your Orphan to Raid Week! LFG #353 and #354. World of Warcraft, Eh: Big Hoof, Even Bigger Mouth and We Have Arrived. Byron, the Tauren Rogue. Slash AFK: GM Power and Playthings. Teh Gladiators: The Crab Cake Incident. The Warcraft Hero in: Children's Week. Dark Legacy Comics: Cataclysm. Complex Actions: Not Suitable For Children. The latest from Guilded Age. K's Grab Bag: Cutting Corners. AFR: The Hardest Knock. NPC: Ridicudent. The Daily Blink: Field & Scream and Behind the Curtain.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Awkward

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Fun fact! Six comics on the list this week end their titles with an exclamation mark. Well, five, plus the fact that Byron, the Tauren Rogue, has one inherently. You'll also find a couple of comics that are new to the list, and hopefully this will help dry your tears over your missing favorites. A surprising number of comic artists are too busy this week, but promise to be back soon. Last week, commenters picked out their favorite one-liners from the selection of comics. This week, I challenge you to do it again; but this time, add in what you're doing, or what you usually do, while reading SMF. It'll be like our own personal "state your name and tell us something about you" awkward round-the-table banter! Either that, or it'll strangely remind you of your Twitter feed. A random, confusing, but somehow hilarious phrase coupled with a TMI about your breakfast habits - how could it be wrong? That, or you know, debate the merits of the new sparkle horse. Dealer's choice.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Bun bun

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    There are no newcomers to the list this week, but it does seem to have been overrun with bunnies. There is even an entry that was posted on a certain tricky day earlier in the month, so beware! Don't forget to leave tips about WoW-related webcomics in the comments section, or send an email to the team. As for last week's challenge, several people gave their opinions about the artwork from that week's list. Thanks for participating! This week, drop in a comment describing your favorite line from any comic on today's list. Whether it is funny, awkward, or profound, we want to hear about it.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Do hug ghosts

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    I've been laid up all week with a nasty case of the flu. Fortunately, I think I have managed to avoid passing it on to anyone by staying indoors and suffering in silence. Here's hoping that all of your weekends have been better! We have a couple of new comics to add to the list this week, as well as some updates from comics that only refresh sporadically. What do you guys think about the newbies? To compensate for my lack of trivia inspiration this week, I shall send everyone "flu immunity" vibes. That has to be at least as good, right? You'll also be happy to note that Battlemasters is back! Zack, coincidentally, had the flu a couple of weeks ago. Isn't spring wonderful?

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Me want

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Last week's trivia challenge produced several great answers, although no one guessed what I had been thinking about; My Pet Monster! Still, that was only worth bonus points. Thanks to shadowQQ for guessing Bull from Where the Wild Things Are, and Correlation and Undra for guessing Sully from Monsters, Inc. The other bonus trivia question was of the "one of these things is not like the other" type, and Noekh was the winner; all of the items were something that Canada is known for. Cartmensfoe also gets points for noticing that everything included in the list was edible. Apologies for forgetting to exclude the elephant shrews wearing berets with the ascots and toast. That probably confused a few people. As for your virtual and imaginary prizes, you have all earned robots that know how to do laundry (although they are known for their laziness), bottles of detangling spray that are rumored to bring good luck when used, magical and unpredictable pink highlighters, and a lifetime supply of butterscotch-flavored gum that will help you see the future.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Big tongues vs puppy men

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    This week, we have several newcomers to the list! I love having new comics; you never know what will become a core feature for each week's entertainment. For last week's trivia, there were so many winners, that I'm frankly just too lazy to list them all. You guys did a great job, although the consensus did seem to be aimed at Frankenstein and its famous comedic little brother, Young Frankenstein. This is going to require some sort of mass prize awarding distribution system (MPADS). First, I shall create a virtual and imaginary, but giant, Frankenstein's monster pinata. I might duct tape it on the inside just to make you work for it; your epics should be able to get through it in time. Inside, there will be toast, poutine, a white Christmas, a family of elephant shrews wearing tiny berets, and butter tarts with a side of real maple syrup, topped with Smarties. There will also be enough ascots for all. This week's trivia question can be found buried within the comic list, so you'd better get cracking! Bonus extra trivia points if you can tell me which of the above virtual and imaginary prizes does not belong (not counting the ascots or the toast - those were just necessary) and why.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Ribbon-wielding cultists

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Pudie and Antubis and Sukugaru won last week's trivia! Pudie was the first to identify the origin of the song, and Sukugaru and Antubis reminded me that I had asked for the name of the song in specific, and not the movie title. The full answer was The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Music from The Sound of Music. Lys' idea of Beauty and the Beast would also fit, and it hadn't occurred to me. You each have won a virtual and imaginary pet bunny prize! These bunnies shall come from outer space; very savvy and and genteel bunnies of witty and adventurous natures. As a bonus, for identifying the My Little Pony, Serthida wins a virtual and imaginary epic purple Valentine's Day cake! It tastes however you wish it to taste, and contains no calories, sugar, fat, etc. Heck, it's actually nutritious. This week's list of comics only appears to be of moderate length; it's actually quite long. As always, leave your comments, and send tips about WoW-related webcomics through our tip form, or leave them in the comments section as well.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Epic win

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    First of all, I would like to congratulate Keyra for winning the virtual cookies! This batch is vegan upon request, comes with a nice tall glass of cold soy milk, and I'll even throw in some fresh berries. Khloe Kardashian was the right answer to last week's impromptu trivia question! Watch out for this week's trivia question, buried in amongst the comics. Unfortunately, I didn't receive any new comic tips, but I don't think you'll be disappointed! On a side note, I feel very lucky that photographing one's collection of My Little Ponies is a relatively popular occurrence, for how else would I have found such a lovely epic pony? I had more to choose from than I would have imagined, but I finally narrowed it down to the lucky pony on the right.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Jazzercise

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Ladies and gentlemen, and all those with paws/hooves, etc, I think we might just be entering a new phase of the Sunday Morning Funnies. Why? Because this week's list is pretty long too. So long, in fact, that I had to throw it all behind the break again. Have I missed any? Do you know of a comic that isn't listed here? If so, throw it into the comments section! Let's see just how long we can make this thing. Hunt them down, and leave me a tip. Last week, I seem to recall promising you a Long Cat. Just to be safe, I've delivered two. Yes, you can all has long cats.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: We're long

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    This week's list is huge. Massive. You have to click through the break to even see it! But I warn you: before you do, you might want to make some preparations. Cancel whatever you have scheduled today. Make a pot of coffee. Do some stretches; long bouts of sitting are unhealthy. Feed the cats. Let the dog out. Seriously, this list is big. It's unruly! P.S. I tried to get you guys a good Long Cat picture but I failed you all. Maybe next time? Yes. Next time. In a related note, I have a distaste for the new way to search through the icanhascheezburger site. Ready? Set. Go!

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Noms

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    This week, we have a new addition to the list, The Daily Blink. You'll also find zombie chickens, snacking kitties, a comic relief talbuk, a 'chef,' and shoulder armor, all out looking for some noms. From Pocketkitten: Cooking Fail. NPC: Teaching 101. NPC: Chickens Gone Wild. NPC: Fear of Projection. Torment of the Week. Check out the latest from Guilded Age and Teh Gladiators. Daily Quests: Lasherweave Bites. LFG #321 and #322. Beyond the Tree: Walking the Diggers. Dark Legacy Comics: Surgery. Complex Actions: Fairy Tales and Wet Dreams. Equinox vs Chillwinter. WoW eh: Mr. Know-it-All. Love that last frame! I also love how you did a better job at rendering the Taunka than Blizzard did. Sparkly Doom: If WoW Was Life. The Daily Blink: Save Illidan!

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Dirty looks

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    As I promised you last week, today's list is quite robust. The list even features a new comic for us all to enjoy, and the return to weekly updates from a couple of your favorite artists. Get reading! Battlemasters: Let's Get It On! NPC: Boot Camp. NPC: Ommm. NPC: Sleeeepy. Torment of the Week: Perfectionists. Guilded Age: Page 3 of Chapter 3. Cru the Dwarf: Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. I love Cru's dialogue with himself. Teh Gladiators: Fight... to the Death! Daily Quests: Ok, Now Play Dead. If you're a fan of Emergency Kindergarten, then be sure to read the text beneath the comic. LFG: #319 and #320. Beyond the Tree: Settling dust. Dark Legacy Comics: Keydar Can't Ski. I know that a lot of you were wondering why there was no DLC posted last week, and I am posting it here in case you didn't catch the link in the comment section. We do wish you well! Check out the new wallpaper from Complex Actions. NoObz: Season Break. Equinox is back with a new Northrend series! Here are the first two: Equinox and a Mess O' Mounts and Equinox and His Moral Dilemma. Each one is a little mini-series, so click through them. Fail Druid fails some more. The Adventures of Disgraph T. Dwarf: Disgraph's Rockin' New Year's Eve. Congrats on graduating, and looking forward to watching the story arc play out! Give a warm welcome back to WoW eh! with The Cold Shoulder. Glad to hear you're feeling somewhat better Kelly! GU Comics: Built In Maturity.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Why is my juice warm

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Juice really shouldn't be warm; but doesn't M just look so happy? It almost makes it okay, although that's primarily because it's not my juice. The Scout Report: #88, Scout is back to being Scout! Well, sort of. #89, and I'm trying not to imagine the sprocket party too. NPC: Breaking News. This totally ruins our next April Fools Day! Sensibilities. I'm jealous of your turkey pet, for I was tragically unable to participate. Special. Teh Gladiators: T-t-t-eee? Dark Legacy Comics: Crappy Table. Da!ly Quests: Revenge is Sweet. LFG #309 and #310. Dungeons and Draenei: 2012 WoW. Beyond the Tree: Ghould Rush. I like the pun - and I love ghouls. So adorable. Battlemasters: Old Flames. Such a Womanizer! WoW eh: Need More Rage. Love this one! Well, I love them every week. Cru the Dwarf: Turkey Filler 2009. I have to say, that as far as filler goes, this is pretty premium, and got me laughing. Experience Points: Easier. NoObz: Seventh Commandment. Newish Fail Druid! The Adventures of Disgraph T. Dwarf: They See Me Rulin' They Hatin'. But what about the silly hair Dan? GU Comics: Aces Over Threes. This one has Yoda and WoW. Other than that, it's a surprise! Or wait. Not telling you about Yoda might have been a better surprise.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: The absurdity of it all

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    All I can say is, "Mmm, gnome brain." Dark Legacy Comics: Gnome Brain. Teh Gladiators: They Come to Disturb Our Peace. NPC: Asil's Question. Kitties never learn though do they? Appreciation. I especially love this next one: Ahem. Daily Quests: Hell Hath No Fury. LFG #307 and #308. Dungeons and Draenei: 2012 WoW. Beyond the Tree: An Unfriendly Reception. Check out the latest from Slash AFK. Complex Actions: The homepage has their latest one. So far, I can't figure out how to make a permalink to their latest comic until it becomes the second-latest comic. WoW eh: What Have You Done. Battlemasters: A Fine Mess.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Belt trick

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    This week, we have a quiz and a new comic to enjoy, along with updates from many of your favorites. Battlemasters: Into Icecrown. Dark Legacy Comics: C-A-T spells CAT! NoObz: Fifth Commandment. This one feels unfinished to me. Check out the latest from Teh Gladiators. NPC: Azerothian Feline Treatment Watch. Also, In the Can and CAPS Faux Pas. I love how randomly angry Lisa looks in the two middle panels. She's passionate about CAPS locks. Sparkly Doom: Casual Player is Casual. World of Warcraft, eh?: Invasive Maneuvers. Daily Quests: Life's Little Pleasures. LFG #303 and #304. Dungeons and Draenei: What is your world... of Warcraft? Beyond the Tree: Downbrook. Fail Druid fails again. Complex Actions: GM Bailout. Test your knowledge with a buffed-Quiz!

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Dark Lord of Profits

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Aside from the usual laughs and story developments, this week's hot topic seems to be the new virtual pets for real money feature from the Blizzard store. There is also some amazing artwork this week, so read on! Battlemasters: Pulling Rank. This marks the end of the Prologue. Dark Legacy Comics: YARRRRR! Daily Quests: It's Better Not To Ask. World of Warcraft, eh?: A Little Birdie Told Me. I absolutely adore the artwork in this one! I always enjoy the artwork, but this one is amazing! NPC: Introducing... - I love the first frame in particular. Keyboard Chloe - I like her ideas. Kitty Tips. Teh Gladiators: This is... The Barrens? NoObz: Fourth Commandment. Beyond the Tree: Acquired Taste. The Adventures of Disgraph T. Dwarf: Tiny Fists Of Panda Fury. All I can say is - awesome. LFG #301 and #302. GU Comics: Oh, Is THAT All? Dungeons and Draenei: Public Test Realm 3.3. Experience Points: Followers. The Scout Report #87.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: This is going to escalate

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Halloween is over, and Hallows End too. Now it's Sunday morning; You know what to do. Battlemasters: Mad Cow. Dark Legacy Comics: The Perfect Costume. The Daily Quest: Wait... That's Not A Costume.... World of Warcraft, eh: Brings Out the Best in All of Us. NPC: Heal Deal. NPC: It's Not Easy... and Trick or Mice. Bink looks so cute! Teh Gladiators: Their Healer Didn't LOS Enough (Mr. Chilly Bought It). NoObz: Third Commandment. Beyond the Tree: Setting Out. Cru the Dwarf: Hangman. The Adventures of Disgraph T. Dwarf: Upset Tummies. Ah the memories.... I seem to have forgotten LFG last week. For those of you who haven't kept up on your own, check out #297, then #298, and #299, and yes, #300. Have some Halloween Fail Druid.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: My junk

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    I hope you've been enjoying the Hallow's End festivities! Sit back, relax, and enjoy your weekly dose of WoW-related comic goodness. The Battlemasters: Conduct Unbecoming. Dark Legacy Comics: Soulbinding. Daily Quests: Kul the Reckless Rescued. Check out the latest from The Scout Report. If the bit about the chickens confuses you, you might want to jump back to this comic. World of Warcraft, eh?: You Should See When We Hate Somebody. NPC: Tips. NPC: Wounded Ego and Smooth Sailing. I love the peeping in the last frame! The latest from Teh Gladiators: Teh Cataclysm! NoObz: Second Commandment. More Fail Druid. Beyond the Tree: Morning Elves. Check out the latest from LFG. Dungeons and Draenei: Happy Halloween. GU Comics: Priorities!

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Hoot hoot!

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    I have such a big list for you today that you might even have to take a break halfway through! Enjoy: Battlemasters: Hell Hath No Fury... This comic is becoming a fast favorite, and it isn't just because of the hot draenei lady. If you have Facebook, why not hop over and become a fan? There's some cool behind-the-artwork stuff. Dark Legacy Comics: Drawing Keydar. He's on holidays again, but it's amusing filler nonetheless. Cru the Dwarf: Chapter 6 cover art! Daily Quests: An Exercise in Self Restraint. The Scout Report: Just when you thought you'd heard the last from the Sprocket party! World of Warcraft, eh?: How Does That Even Work? Hilarious! NPC: Boobroobnoob. The title alone has me laughing. ManUp. I'm sure he'll get used to it! NPC: Booby Baiters. I love how it was going to work, too. Check out the latest from Teh Gladiators. The Adventures of Disgraph T. Dwarf: Let's All Go To The Movies! I especially dig the second panel. NoObz: First Commandment. Experience Points: I Can Do This!. Also, The Same But Different. Alas, we have lost guildies to Aion. Your Nerd is Showing. Fail druid as Boomkin. If he were a Fail druid in real life, he might not always do so poorly. Beyond the Tree: Her Guiding Light. I love the highlights in the fourth panel. Check out the latest from LFG.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Party time

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Happy Thanksgiving weekend Canada! As for everyone else, well, you can enjoy the comics knowing that soon enough, you too will be feasting and we Canucks will have to hear about it. And watch all those mouth-watering food commercials. Daily Quests: A Simple Re-Quest. Battlemasters: You...I Remember You. This fairly new and awesome comic is still settling into its own artistic groove; something that was interrupted when Zach was separated with his art supplies. Now that he has replaced some of them, we can settle in and watch the two artists refine this comic's style. Dark Legacy Comics: Mr. VanCleef. LFG #294: This one reminds me vaguely of that Alien Ant Farm song, Happy Death Day. Teh Gladiators: Brewmaster's Revenge. NPC: Negotiations. These terms are genius. I wonder how long it will be before she stops tallying up /played to exchange for real quality time. NPC: Choose Your Butt. Careful; Cadychan draws a pretty nice cow butt! NPC: Noob Unleashed. She doesn't quite have the terminology down, but she seems to be settling in. Happy Belated Birthday, WoW, eh! Do You KNOW How Much Mats Cost These Days?! Beyond the Tree: Gryan the Fierce. Cru the Dwarf: Adieu. She really likes to give that Chapeau away. The Scout Report: Scout reflects on her situation. Fortunately, she meets someone interesting, although perhaps not in the way that she thinks. The Scout Report: All is revealed!