

  • Conan imagines a Call of Duty: Teenage Girl Edition

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    embed allowscriptaccess="never" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src=" context=teamcoco_embed_offsite&videoId=29995" bgcolor="#000000" allowfullscreen="true" width="530" height="412">

  • The Onion takes on Raiding

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    The Onion, the well-known and consistently hilarious parody news site, has turned its eyes toward World of Warcraft once again. In the past, they have introduced us to geek love in WoW and the World of World of Warcraft, and this time, they introduce us to the world of Raiding via nerd columnist Larry Groznic, who has previously written on his mastery of Quotes from Monty Python's Holy Grail and the merits of Weird Al Yankovic's Wikipedia entry.Larry's rant to an under performing guild member, while somewhat anachronistic (it focuses on a Zul'Aman raid) manages to poke fun at classic raid leader nerd rage, hilariously nonsensical guild names, perennial altoholics, and quite a few other WoW foibles. It may even hit too close to home for some of the people who might recognize some of themselves or others in Larry or his chosen victim. But hey, if we can't laugh at ourselves, who can we laugh at? The Onion's done it again, and it's worth a read.

  • The Onion reports on World of World of Warcraft

    Akela Talamasca
    Akela Talamasca

    The Onion, that bastion of truth and fair reportage, have done a piece on the latest update to the World of Warcraft franchise, and it's not Wrath of the Lich King. Hardcore fans of Blizzard will rejoice when they hear that World of World of Warcraft will finally be released.In WoWoW, players will get the chance to prove how committed they truly are, by controlling a character that's controlling a character in World of Warcraft. The video explains it all: "My avatar is the biggest World of Warcraft fan in the whole World of World of Warcraft world," gushes a player buying his copy at a retailer. Make sure to watch for the jokes embedded in the scroll at the bottom of the screen when you watch the video below the cut.

  • The Onion spoofs WoW with the World of World of Warcraft

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    The Onion, a popular news satire site, has played off the World of Warcraft before with articles such as "Baby, you mean the World of Warcraft to me," but now they've taken it to the realm of video. The Onion News Network reports on Blizzard's latest (fictional) release, World of World of Warcraft. In it, you create a real life character and guide him or her through the process of playing World of Warcraft, helping them navigate the reading of the EULA and making sure they keep rested and fed with Hot Pockets and Soda. As usual with an Onion article that targets one of my personal hobbies or lifestyle, I'm never 100% sure whether to laugh or be offended -- but in the end I pretty much always err on the side of laughing. Actually, looking the "game" closely, it almost looks a bit like The Sims. You have a character who's modeled after a modern real life person, and you have to keep them happy, well-fed, rested, and entertained. And really, WoW is a pretty legitimate form of entertainment, I'd say. In that case, maybe The Onion is just looking forward to that day when all games are connected in some sort of seamless on-line mishmash of characters and personas. Then again, maybe it's just a funny video. Anyway, go watch it.