

  • WoW Insider Weekly

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    We post a lot of stuff here at WoW Insider, and chances are that you missed some of our weekly features. But don't fret it -- here are our top weekly features from the last seven days, so if you missed them the first time around, we're here to make sure that doesn't happen again. Raid Rx: Analyzing your healers, part 3Marcie Knox continues her series on how to get the most of your healers during a raid. Officers' Quarters: Cracking the whipHow to keep your guild rolling all the way up through the expansion. Ask WoW Insider: When to gem and enchantOur readers sound off on the best time to take advantage of getting your gear min-maxed with gems and enchants. Spiritual Guidance: Seven tips to prepare your Priest for WrathMatt "Matticus" Low gives you a nice checklist for getting your Priest ready to head up to Northrend. More of our great weekly content after the break.