

  • Zarhym clarifies account-wide achievements

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Ghostcrawler did a pretty good job explaining the upcoming account-wide achievements, but some players still have questions regarding both achievements and account-wide mounts, as well. Community Manager Zarhym (@CM_Zarhym on Twitter) further clarified the account-wide achievement and mount system earlier, as well as clearing the air about the question regarding account-wide reputation. Zarhym We don't want to make reputation account-wide. We think that removes too much of the gameplay of having an alt. Harkening back to the blog, the goal is for players to feel free to play their alts. If you have a cool mount on character A, then that might be an issue. Being exalted on character A so that enchants are easier to buy doesn't seem like the same issue. (What I mean is, it's a short step from there to saying character A has better gear so you aren't going to play B). We can understand where the desire to have reputations function in this way stems from, however. For this reason faction rep is going to work a little differently in Mists of Pandaria and, we think, will feel better for players with multiple characters. source While we don't know exactly how faction reputation is going to work as of yet in Mists, it's nice to see that Blizzard is addressing the concerns of those with multiple alts. But the biggest question so far regarding account-wide achievements and mounts is what exactly the definition of "account-wide" is. Is it account-wide or The wise floating skull cleared that one up for us, too.

  • SwagDog discontinuing Blizzard licensed products June 1

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    According to an email sent out to SwagDog customers and confirmed by its phone customer service, effective June 1, 2011, SwagDog will no longer be a licensee of Blizzard and will be discontinuing all World of Warcraft licensed products. New orders on WoW products placed before midnight on Tuesday, May 31, will be printed and shipped, but after that no more products will be made. SwagDog has been a Blizzard licensee for over three years, creating player- and guild-specific T-shirts, apparel, jerseys, and hats. We do not know the reasoning behind the licensing change; we'll provide updates as we get more information. For now, if you want anything from SwagDog's World of Warcraft line, get it before midnight on Tuesday, May 31.

  • Cryptozoic takes over WoW TCG license

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    According to this press release and Blizzard Licensing Manager Kat Hunter, the World of Warcraft TCG is now in the hands of Cryptozoic. They will be handling all the aspects of the game, from releasing new sets to scheduling tournaments and events surrounding the card game. We don't know a lot about Cryptozoic, and we were initially skeptical until Kat Hunter's tweet. Kat Hunter WoW TCG Moves to Cryptozoic Entertainment. New company started by Blizzard's Cory Jones and Wildstorm's John Nee. -- Follow the new Cryptozoic Entertainment @cryptozoic source Blizzard and UpperDeck recently split ways, which left the TCG's future full of many unanswered questions. And while there are still several today, the game at least has a home and some real potential for success. Update: Nethaera hit the forums to formally announce Cryptozoic carrying the TCG. We'll be seeing the Wrathgate booster in May, and class decks will begin their run in June.