

  • Neutral pandaren Doubleagent hits level 90

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    World of Warcraft may not have a third faction, but there is one player out there who has managed what seemed like a nigh-impossible feat. Doubleagent, the neutral pandaren who refused to choose a faction and leave the Wandering Isle, hit level 90 yesterday amid a crowd of cheering pandaren. Because he was stuck on the Wandering Isle, he had to obtain all those levels by picking herbs for a measly 20-30XP per node. Nonetheless, Doubleagent's patience won out, and now he has obtained the highest level he can currently get in game -- at about 174 days played on the account. What's in store for Doubleagent now? Waiting until Warlords, of course, at which point he can theoretically begin the long trek to 100. I highly doubt that anyone at Blizzard really expected a player to accomplish this feat, but one hopes that perhaps his perseverance will be acknowledged in some way. If nothing else, they could re-name the Herbalism trainer on the Wandering Isle after him, considering he's long since proved his prowess when it comes to picking posies. For more information from Doubleagent himself on the process of leveling sans-faction, check the thread on the official forums, and take a look at our interview with Doubleagent from earlier this year.

  • Neutral pandaren Doubleagent hits level 80

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    You might think that WoW doesn't have a neutral faction -- every player, even the once-neutral pandaren, must pick a faction before advancing very far in the game. And while that's technically true, Blizzard clearly didn't count on the patience of Doubleagent, who just hit level 80 without selecting a faction. What makes this difficult is the fact that panadaren can't leave their starting zone without deciding to join the Alliance or Horde -- so Doubleagent has worked his way through the levels by picking herbs for experience. If you think this sounds particularly tedious, that's because it is: Doubleagent started this trek back in September 2012. So will Doubleagent eventually reach level 90? And will he ever be able to escape the Wandering Isle? And shouldn't there be some kind of achievement for this? We'll have to stay tuned to find out. In the meanwhile, read up on Doubleagent's quest on Reddit or watch his leveling video, which gives you an idea of how he's managed the trip to 80.