

  • Diablo III transmogrification coming to WoW

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Transmogrification is coming to Diablo III -- and a revamp may be on the way for World of Warcraft as well, according to a tweet made by Cory "Mumper" Stockton over the weekend at BlizzCon. The new transmogrification system unveiled for Diablo III has a few dramatic differences from the system currently implemented in WoW. For one thing, Diablo III players don't have to keep an armor item in their bags in order to use it for transmogrification -- it can be sold to a vendor once it has been discovered. For another, once an item is discovered, it can then be used for transmogrification by all characters on an account. @Shadesogrey Yes! We are working on something... - Cory Stockton (@mumper) November 10, 2013 Obviously this particular item didn't make it onto the list of major features and new content we'll be seeing in Warlords of Draenor. This likely means that we won't see this feature in place with the launch of Warlords -- given the amount and variety of armor currently in World of Warcraft, a project of this scope isn't something that can be completed overnight. But for those transmog-addicted players like myself that have been dreamily staring at the sleek and space-saving new Diablo III system, it looks like our fondest dreams will in fact come true at some point in the future.

  • Patch 5.3: Transmog to be available from bank and void storage

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    If you're a fan of mogging whose bags are already full to bursting, then MMO-Champion brings good news: in patch 5.3, you'll be able to transmogrify using items that are currently in the bank or void storage. The ability is actually already in the game for void storage, but there's no UI elements that let you access it. However, anyone wanting to get ahead of the curve can download the VoidTransmog addon, and transmogrify away without the bother of actually pulling your items out of storage. While it's a small change, we're sure transmog fans will appreciate the convenience of this tweak. Of course, patch 5.3 is still far on the horizon and it's likely that eager transmogrifiers will be waiting on this for quite a while.

  • How to get started with transmogrification and be the most stylish newbie on the block

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    When I first created my gnome monk, I immediately noticed that while the other class options had stylish starting gear, my monk had a sleeveless black shirt, plain black pants, and no shoes. I assumed that, as a monk, my gnome valued simplicity over flash -- but, really, a sleeveless shirt and bare feet in the endless Dun Morogh snow just seemed impractical. Wouldn't she get cold? Did I need to be concerned about frostbite? What if my poor gnome stepped on something sharp? Fortunately, I soon found a long-sleeved shirt and a pair of boots and was able to stop worrying about it. Until level 64 when, questing in Hellfire Peninsula, I received a pair of boots that was a huge upgrade from my old boots, but weren't quite boots. Instead, they were bright green bands that wrapped around the ankle and covered the top of the foot, but left the bottom bare: Hardly practical footware for exploring the demon-infested Outland. It was this that finally drove me to figure out WoW's transmogrification system, which lets you make one piece of gear (armor or weapon) look like another. Though this feature seems primarily designed for high level players who have had the time to collect numerous pieces of gear, you can start transmogrifying at any level. The only downside to starting early is that you'll be tempted to find and buy gear just for its looks -- which can be pricey! But if you're a savvy auction house trader, you can use everyone else's transmogrification obsession to make some cash.