Yahoo Japan


  • Yahoo Japan will erase your digital footprint after you pass away

    Daniel Cooper
    Daniel Cooper

    What happens to your online life after you've passed away? Unless you've left your passwords in the will, those Facebook and Twitter profiles will linger on for years to come. If you'd prefer your digital life to be as neatly tidied up as your real one, then Yahoo Japan is offering the solution. The outfit is offering Yahoo Ending, a service that'll help locals prepare for their funerals in the real world, as well as closing down their social media profiles after notifying followers and friends of their demise. The package will also close down any digital wallet accounts held by Yahoo, and can even offer basic will-writing advice for those who need it. There's no word on if the company plans to bring the offering to the western world, so until then, we'll just have to hope that future archaeologists don't use our poolside selfies as exhibits in a museum.

  • Yahoo's Jerry Yang quits the company he co-founded, walks away from Alibaba as well

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    The long, drawn-out, oftentimes melodramatic saga revolving around Yahoo itself and co-founder Jerry Yang is well-documented. Perhaps too well. Thankfully for us all, that ends today. As of January 17th, he has resigned from Yahoo's Board of Directors and all other positions with the company, and moreover, has resigned from the Boards of Yahoo Japan Corporation and Alibaba Group Holding Limited. We most recently heard from Yang during his interview at AsiaD, where he sounded none too pleased about the going-ons there. We aren't about to draw links of Yang's exit to the hiring of Scott Thompson as CEO (in fact, Yang praises him in his exit blurb), but we are drawing links to his sudden purchase of a yacht, a new sauna and a round-the-round journey courtesy of Abercrombie & Kent. Kidding. In all seriousness, it's no surprise to see Yahoo's stock rallying, as many felt that Yang was the major roadblock holding up an outright sale or other significant shake-up within its ranks. As for Jerry? He's off to "pursue other interests" -- but we didn't need to tell you that, now did we?

  • Yahoo Japan establishes Shenmue Town, which is where we want to live now

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    Yahoo Japan and social cell phone game developer Mobagetown recently partnered up to help strengthen the latter's projects. Now called Yahoo Mobage, the company recently outlined its plans for a new web portal for social games, including Persona 3 Social, a new Nobunaga's Ambition title from Tecmo Koei and, arguably the most exciting game announcement of the 21st century, a social game called Shenmue Town. Yes, that Shenmue. Other than its winter Japanese launch window, we know next to nothing about Shenmue Town. In our heart of hearts, we imagine you mingle around crowds of other real life players, asking if anyone knows anyone who speaks Chinese, or if anyone knows where a dude can find some sailors around these parts.

  • Yahoo Japan plans facial recognizing, content personalizing billboards

    Joseph L. Flatley
    Joseph L. Flatley

    Sometimes it seems like the worlds of science and marketing are in a constant struggle to present us with the future described in science fiction. Whether its flying cars, the OS from Minority Report, or robots that play "rock, paper, scissors," the old saw is true: you can't fight progress. And now it looks like Yahoo Japan has jumped into the fray, with a little help from Comel, a Japanese company that manufactures billboards. The two firms are collaborating on electronic signage that photographs passersby, analyses it using NEC's facial analysis technology, and guesstimates his or her age. Once the demo is confirmed, the device spits out appropriate advertising content. According to the poorly translated press release, the "face image data" is then erased, saving only a record of the passerby's age and sex -- so you Civil Libertarians can rest easily. Right.[Via Trading Markets]

  • Yahoo! Japan launches portal for web browsing HDTVs

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Not satisfied with a closed widget system, where the Digital Television Information Study Group has developed a web browser that's in the televisions of many manufacturers including Sony, Sharp and the Toshiba's announced earlier today. Yahoo! Japan has developed a version of its portal specifically aimed at net-enabled TVs, with a "10-foot" interface built for browsing by remote. Anyone else wondering why this isn't a standard feature over here yet?