

  • Transformers Universe gives fans a chance to name two classes

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    As Transformers Universe continues to be pieced together, one sentient component at a time, Jagex is looking to players to help with the development process. Specifically, to help the studio choose names for two of the classes in the upcoming game. Two polls will help the company make its decision. The first is over at Transformers Universe's Facebook page while the second is on Both polls will continue until 6:00 p.m. EDT on Sunday. The choices for the Autobot class are Scholar, Engineer, and Counsel, while the Decepticon class has the possibility to be called a Technician, Specialist, or Informer. Players also have the option to write in a name as well. Of course, there are a few disclaimers involved, including this common-sense move: "Hasbro and Jagex reserve the right to not use any suggested name, even if it's a name with the most votes, if it does not fit the brand or is disparaging, derogatory, or offensive."