

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: A little help

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    This was an exciting week for Massively's Guild Wars guild. We've bid farewell to Old Ascalon and worked our way through the northern Shiverpeaks. Thursday night we saw the death of Rurik, who managed to get himself killed before he ever raised the promised pint of dwarven ale in our honor. We lit beacons, dragged broken gear levers all over the place, laughed at a minion who insisted on being front and center for every cutscene, and eventually arrived in Kryta -- a sight for sore eyes after the scorched landscape of Old Ascalon. We also joined the Kurzick faction and became the tenth guild in the Guild Wars Online [GWO] alliance. The alliance has already given [MVOP] a warm welcome, but if you're a guild member who is so inclined, stop by the forums and say hello. This is a good time to mention that the Massively guild has its very own Picasa gallery -- thanks to reader Tanek -- and you can find some gorgeous screenshots added by our members. If you're a member of [MVOP] and would like to add your own screenshots, all you need is a Gmail address. Send that address to Tanek at bncom1[at]gmail[dot]com and he'll set you up with access. This week we will be doing the Gates of Kryta mission to get to Lion's Arch. After some of us go on a frantic skill-buying spree, we'll pick up the primary quest from Armen the Guide and move on to D'Alessio Seaboard. From there, it's on to Divinity Coast where we will bathe in a fountain and drag a giant floating eye around behind us. If you're interested in joining up with [MVOP], keep an eye out for my IGN Rubi Djinn for a guild invitation. Feel free to send your IGN to me at Rubi at Massively dot com as well, and I'll watch for you in game. So what else is happening in Tyria? We've got a brand-new War in Kryta event, and small-but-valuable public service announcement, so follow along after the jump.

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: It's all Kun Shao's fault

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    The Xunlai Tournament House in Guild Wars was a great idea in theory. Once favor was no longer tied to PvP, it served as an excellent incentive to keep PvE only players involved in the other half of the game. All players -- whether actively participating in the tournament or not -- could make predictions on the outcomes of the monthly 1 vs. 1 and Guild vs. Guild matches. Points were distributed based on the accuracy of the predictions, then traded to Tolkano for prizes, usually Zaishen Keys. Players responded very well to the concept, with many purchasing second, third, and even fourth accounts to snap up more Tournament Reward Points each month. The Zaishen title helped fuel the enthusiasm, and ZKeys soon rivaled Globs of Ectoplasm in value, even briefly becoming another alternate currency in game. All good things must come to an end, though.