

  • One Shots: I am

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    One of the things many feel that World of Warcraft has done right in the last few years is the decision to make raiding accessible to everyone -- not just those who can muster a large group of people intent on spanking the newest big bad shiny dispenser. The other nice thing about opening up raids to everyone is that it gives many players the chance to experience the lore up-close and personal. This, in turn, inspires some World of Warcraft fans to write their own rich stories about the lore, such as the piece we got to go with today's One Shots from Zamara of the guild Equilibria on the Caelestrasz (US) realm. Since it's a bit longer than our normal space, we've tucked the story behind the break for those who would like to check out a small but interesting bit of fan-fiction. Before we turn it over to Zamara, though, we'll note that if you'd like to tell us about your brushes with lore (and more), snap a great screenshot and email it to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the name of the game, and your story. Other information such as server, guild, etc. is welcome but not required. And now, on with the post! %Gallery-85937%

  • One Shots: Sparkly

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    No, it's not the first One Shots of the much-discussed sparkle pony that was just released in World of Warcraft -- it's a great image of the first room of the Hall of Reflection, sent in to us by Zamara of the guild Equilibria from the Caelestrasz (US) realm. A location full of tasty bits of lore, it also is considered one of the hardest instances in the game currently by some. As Zamara sent us a longer note, we'll get rolling with the description: "This is the Halls of Reflection.... the place where the Lich King -- the current toughest raid boss content -- dwells. [He is thinking] upon his dark past, murderous deeds, and the multitude of innocent souls he stole in his former life as a noble Paladin; Including that of his former superior, Uther the Lightbringer; and his own father, King Terenas II. [This is] a place of greyful sorrows and utter despair. It is also here [that] one will need to relive the lives of the fallen, dwell[ing] inside the accu[r]sed blade, so as to redeem their souls from the tyrann[ical] grip of Frostmourne." Have you taken on an incredibly difficult fight in your favorite game? Perhaps you're a lore fiend and would like to tell us more about the bosses of your world. Whatever the case, we'd love to see some screenshots from you. Just email them in to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the name of the game, and a description (guild, server, etc. are welcome as well). We'll post them out here on Massively and give you the credit for sending them in. %Gallery-85937%

  • One Shots: Gonna fly with a little help from my friends

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    There is something to be said for working hard and achieving a goal you've wanted for a long time. There's something even better about getting to that ending with your friends at your side. So while today's World of Warcraft screenshot is indeed pretty cool, we like the story that came in with it from Zamara of the Equilibria guild on the Caelestrasz realm. Many times, [notes that come along with] screenshots often [talk] about personal achievements and the friends often [feel] left out and dishonored. [So,] this screenie is dedicated to all of you who I spent my wonderful time with in World of Warcraft. [It] was taken as a token of my gratitude and appreciat[ion] to friends and guild mates of Caelestrasz Server, in one of my all time favorite places in the world of Azeroth. I was dumbfounded after completing the achievement criteria and flew down upon Sholazar Basin, right in front of the Waygate. Finally, at long last. A Red Protodrake mount to call my own! We love to hear what players are up to in their favorite MMOs -- especially when it involves great groups of friends. If you'd like to show off your adventures, send in a screenshot to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the name of the game, and a note. We'll post it out here and give you the nod for sending it in. %Gallery-85937%