

  • Wowhead introduces new sound database

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Wowhead, in a continuing quest to make every last bit of World of Warcraft data available for consumption, has just added a new function to its ever-increasing list of databases -- a sound database. You may remember Wowhead's sound player addition from last month, which added the capability to listen to zone music and boss emotes on various pages of the database. The new sound database builds upon that, adding on to the existing sound library by including NPC gossip and spell abilities for both players and bosses. While the sounds have been added to a new tab on existing database entries, they have also been given a searchable database all their own. In addition to this, Wowhead has put together a playlist feature that works in conjunction with the sound database. Users can now add their favorite tracks to a customized playlist that can be listened to on a new playlist page. If you decide you don't like a track, a quick click will remove it. To celebrate the implementation of the new feature, Wowhead is also giving away 15 Moonkin Hatchling pets. While the feature is here for good, the contest only runs until 3pm EST Monday, December 23 -- you can get those entries in, as well as learn more about this cool new feature, on Wowhead's official announcement page.

  • Poll: What zone has the best music?

    Sarah Pine
    Sarah Pine

    I'm going to open this one with a personal story. In 2009 at a Blizzcon party, I had the good fortune to be introduced to Russell Brower, and I promptly went all starry-eyed and gushed about how much I loved WoW's music. His face lit up and he said, "Oh you are just the best thing!" and kissed my hand. Then asked me what my favorite was. My answer was immediate, and without hesitation: Black Temple. Now, let's fast-forward to today, in 2013, almost four years later. Has my answer changed? Maybe. Black Temple is still definitely up there, but I'm not sure it's the out-and-away winner anymore. With Cataclysm many of the zones got updated music, so areas I wasn't super enthused about before suddenly became much more compelling. In the end, the five I've come up with are Grizzly Hills (a perennial favorite), Black Temple (still love it), Ashenvale ("Nightsong" alone makes this nomination), Karazhan (haunted mansion!), and Kun-Lai Summit (mostly for "Way of the Monk," which plays upon entry into the Temple of the White Tiger). Vote on your favorite in the poll, but don't think this is the definitive list. I'm sure there are plenty of zones I've overlooked, so tell us what I've missed in the comments. %Poll-81602%

  • World of WarCrafts: The WoW Soundtrack Project

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    World of WarCrafts spotlights art and creativity by WoW players, including fan art, cooking, comics, cosplay, music and fan fiction. Show us how you express yourself; contact our tips line (attention: World of WarCrafts) with your not-for-profit, WoW-inspired creations. You don't listen to the game music while you're playing WoW? Really? Maybe it's stopped giving you shivers. Or maybe it's just not atmospheric enough. This week, we have a solution: the WoW Soundtrack Project. WoW-playing composer Jejin (US The Venture Co.-H) is quietly building an entire library of alternative vanilla instance zone soundtracks. This sprawling soundtrack project, which is still winding its way through the early zones such as Ragefire Chasm and Razorfen Downs, is not meant to be listened to on its own; it's meant to be incorporated into your in-game experience, as background music to set the mood of the instance zone. We talked to the talented 17-year-old composer about breathing new life into old zones with these atmospheric pieces.