
The Cuphead DLC is delayed yet again by the COVID pandemic

If you want new gaming content, wear your damned mask already.

Studio MDHR

In what has become a regular trend throughout 2020, Studio MDHR, makers of the jaw-grindingly difficult platformer, Cuphead, took to Twitter on Wednesday to announce that its already-delayed DLC, The Delicious Last Course, has been pushed back even further into 2021.

Originally announce all the way back at E3 2018, The Delicious Last Course was originally slated for release in 2019. However due to production delays, the DLC was pushed to earlier this year — just in time for the COVID-19 pandemic to arrive and sucker punch the American economy into stagnation.

“Rather than compromise on our vision in response to COVID,” Studio MDHR founders Chad and Jared Moldenhauer said in a statement, “we’ve made the difficult decision to push back the release of The Delicious Last Course until we are confident that it will delight the Cuphead community the way we feel it should.” There’s no word yet on when we should expect to actually get our feet wet in the Inkwell Isles.