
PS3 Blu-Ray details


Lost in yesterday's PStwo frenzy was another announcement regarding the Blu-Ray Discs to be used for the PlayStation 3. Sony simply made its commiment to the Blu-Ray technology official. And with the statement, came some specific details regarding the discs, most significantly, that they will have an impressive 54 GB storage capacity—compare that to the PS2 DVD-ROMs' 4.7 GB capacity, wow! The discs are dual-layered and single-sided, and will have the capability to store high-quality video using MPEG2-TS compression technology. While Blu-Ray was initially designed to record hi-def television broadcasts, Sony will not be implementing a recordable feature on its discs. In related news, the optical device for the PS3 will be able to read CD, DVD, and BD formats, but Sony has refused to comment on the possibility of backwards compatability.