
X-Men: Legends lets you join the team

X-Men Legends

The X-Men deserve the best writers, artists, movies, cartoons and games. They've enjoyed the best of all these, save one. The games one. Sure, there have been some decent fighters with our favorite mutants, but for the most part the gaming potential of the team has never been realized. Hopefully, that's about to change. The reviews are coming in for X-Men: Legends and they look promising. Tom's Hardware is certifiably nuts about it, and give us this classic line:

"After entering all of that data into the gaming calculator, this is what it spit back out: X + Men(Legends) = (Bu)Y + iT. That's not just my opinion... it was a scientific calculator. You can't argue with science."

If the teamplay dynamic is captured as well as the review says it is, then I may not be reading X-Men for the next couple of months. I mean, why read it when you can be it?