
The Tamagotchi's next step: Invading your cellphone


We'd been trying to forget about the new, infra-red version of the Tamagotchi in the hope that it'd go away, but the durn thing keeps evolving. Not content with enabling it to talk to other Tamagotchi, Bandai has now tweaked the infra-red port to let you communicate with a cellphone, meaning you can shop using points you've built up by raising the creature, or send it off on holiday via your phone (sadly, there doesn't appear to be a function for spiking its drinks so that it ends up hallucinating in a Mexican hospital and never makes it back). We're not sure whether the Shuku Keitai Kaitsuu Tamagotchi Plus (the first bit loosely means "Congratulations! It now works with a cellphone!") will make it outside Japan, but we can hope.